Chapter 22: New Leader

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"Hello, hello, gather round." Headmistress' voice sounded. Everyone quickly sat down in front of her. "I have the results of the voting. You all have voted for...Kate...And the assistant monitor....Hayden. that is all. She will lead you in what needs to be done next. Kate, here is a book on all your duties." She said before leaving the class, probably to go tell other classes who their new class monitor/monitress was. [Hayden is the cute boy Macey kinda crushed on. Btw, Macey and Jenna have boyfriends. If confused, go back to second and third chapter]. The next few minutes, there was chattering everywhere. Some came up to Hailey to express how sad they were that she was disqualified, some talked about how Kate might be. "Okay everyone, I know what I have to do now." Kate announced, motioning for everyone to sit around her. "Hayden, I will give you instructions every now and then, and you HAVE to do as I say. Everyone else, you need to learn that here, I am IN CHARGE. You listen to me, and you do as I say. Understood?" She started to say in a ferocious tone. Everyone nodded quickly. "Good, now for the rules I have for this class. You will all have duty rosters. One to clean the class, and one to serve me. So Everyday, someone will be my helper. Secondly, you are not allowed to disrespect me. You will call me madam, understood?" She continued hollering. "Yes ma'am..." everyone replied sarcastically.

For the next few minutes, everyone went  back to talking among themselves. Jenna whispered, "I don't think this is going in the right direction." Macey nodded. "She is so controlling. Someone new to serve her Everyday?" Hailey shrugged. "Maybe that is what was written in the book." Suddenly, Kate spoke again. "Okay, I have done up the duties. Just to let everyone know, I am allowed to punish every single one of you if I think that you are not up to expectations. Today, I want Lilly to serve me. Lets go." Kate stood up, and Lilly quickly followed after her, like a dog follows his owner. "I WANT A CUP OF TEA. NOW." They heard her order as they left the home room. Jenna stood up and took the roster that Kate left behind. It was so wrong! Anything that needed supervision, it was left to Hayden. Kate basically did not need to do anything.

The day passed, and Lilly knocked on Hailey's dorm door. "Hey Lilly! What brings you here? Come on in!" Hailey graciously invited. The moment Hailey closed the door, she broke into tears. JHM got worried and quickly surrounded her. "What's wrong?" They asked. Lilly stuttered, "It...It's....KATE! She is evil! She scolded me so many times today and made me a slave for her! Doing her homework, cleaning her dorm, cleaning her toilet, making her tea...the list never ends! Then, she ripped my homework because I did not do hers well! Now what am I to say to the teacher? Oh hailey...I were the class monitress..." Lilly continued to sob, and JHM looked at each other. Worry clouded their eyes. They all knew, that this was only the beginning....

Sorry for this Super short chapter. Will try to do at least a 1000 word one tomorrow. Btw, i created a gacha video for the first 3 chapters, so do check them out! Also, comment below what you think will happen in the next chapter! HEHEHHE

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