Chapter 73-Celebrations

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Hailey opened her heavy eyelids to a bright white light staring straight back at her, and she blinked for a few times while turning over to her side and noticed Sir sleeping on a sofa. She saw her other friends either sleeping on a couch or on a makeshift bed. Then she realised that she was in a completely different room from where she was the previous day. She looked around at her new surroundings and realised she was in a large suite, and this ward was definitely better than the one she was at the previous day. Her friends also started to wake up and quickly rushed to her side. "Hailey! Are you alright? How do you feel?" They asked her, a worried look showered on their face. "I'm fine...don't worry! By the way, why are we here? Where are we?" Hailey asked, confused. They then explained that one of her dad's workers visited yesterday and decided to get a better room for her, so that everyone could sleep properly and together. Hailey nodded and got up, ready to wash up. By the time she got back, everyone was talking and wide awake. "Ah, Hailey. We decided to take leave and stay with you for this week until you get well. Go back to bed, you need rest. Breakfast will come shortly." Sir explained

Hailey grinned from ear to ear as she snuggled back into the bed and closed her eyes in enjoyment. "This is life..." she moaned, sighing contentedly and soon started to fall back into a light sleep. Suddenly, she was tapped on the shoulder multiple times. "Girl, your breakfast is here!" Kate whispered into her ear. Hailey groaned and got up, brushing the hair out of her face. There was pancakes and fruits on a table that was for her to use while on the bed. Even Hailey almost started drooling upon seeing the feast laid out before her. "Eat up!" Sir exclaimed. Suddenly, Kate, Macey and Jenna crowded around Hailey and stole about half her breakfast. Hailey laughed and protected her plate, preventing anyone from stealing her breakfast anymore. Before long, they managed to finish their breakfast and cleared away the trays. "Girls, let's talk and give Hailey some rest." Sir said, making eyes at them. They cheekily grinned and hopped out of the room, leaving Hailey to her own devices. She sighed and slowly walked around the room, bored out of her brains.

For the rest of the day, she felt extremely lonely. She had her brother with her and they talked, but she missed her friends. Did they not want to be with her, or did they want to ditch her, or were they at school in lessons? These thoughts filled her little mind as she sighed repeatedly. Even her brother started feeling bad for her, but every time she said she wanted to go out, he would refuse and ask her to stay in the room. Finally, her friends came back. "Where have you-" "SURPRISE!" Her friends cried. Some little puppies hopped into the room, and she widened her eyes in surprise as they licked her face. "HOW DID YOU BRING MY PUPPIES HERE? YOU WENT TO MY HOUSE?" Hailey exclaimed. They giggled and grabbed the nearest puppy, hugging them tightly. "These are adorable!" Jenna squealed. Even sir was stroking one who purred contentedly on his lap. Then, they had a series of celebrations together which included games, truth or dare, cake, and streamers and pranks. They laughed till their stomachs hurt and until the day was over. By the time dinner was over, they were all in a heap, over-bloated from all the eating that day.
617 words if you wanna know
Hey guys! So so so so so so SO SORRY for not updating for about a WHOLE MONTH!! OMG IM SO SORRY but here is one for you guys. I promise this book is ending soon and there will be a sequel, so stay tuned. Thanks for continuing to wait, and I will TRY to update by tomorrow. See yall! Peace out ✌️ 💓

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