Chapter 38: Calm down...

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"Girls, take care of her. When she calms down, let me know. I will be just outside the door." Sir Yuv told Macey and Hailey. Setting Jenna down on the bed and leaving her duffel bag next to her, he walked out of their dorm. Jenna burst into tears once again. "Hey look, it's okay..." Hailey tried to comfort. Macey pulled them into a group hug and they stayed like that for a while. Honestly, hailey and Macey were a little awkward. They were not very good at comforting, and they were scared of provoking Jenna again. Hailey reached into her bag for a packet of tissue which Jenna took gratefully, sniffling into the tissue. She slowly calmed herself down and Macey handed her a bottle of water. When she stopped crying, she looked at her worried friends with soft eyes. "T...thanks guys. I just m...miss my family a...and is so t...tough here." She tried to explain. Hailey and Macey understood how she felt. Deep down in their hearts, they all felt the same. They just wanted to go home. Although they were adjusting to this lifestyle, it was never the same. It was terrible, but they just expressed their emotions in different ways. After spending some more time with Jenna, they opened the door slowly. "S...sir y..Yuv. She's calm..." Hailey informed Sir Yuv.

Looking down, he saw Hailey looking back at him with doubtful eyes. Sir Yuv nodded to her. "Hailey, Macey, may I speak to Jenna for a moment? Alone." He requested. Hailey and Macey seemed defensive at first, but soon backed down upon seeing Jenna nod. Gosh, they were so cute protecting each other! Jenna scooted to the far end of the bed, obviously scared of him. "Hey...hey little one...I'm sorry about all these things you are going through." Sir Yuv tried to coax gently. Jenna softened a bit and slowly relaxed her tense posture. "You have been feeling pain recently because we have reached the toughest stage in exercising." He continued. Jenna gave a confused face. Then starts Sir Yuv's best explanation—the only good explanation he could ever give in his life.

"Exercising has a few stages. First, the tough stage. It's hard to start at first, since you are not used to it, especially since I went harder on you guys than your had ever felt in your life. Then, there's the getting used to stage. You get used to the hard work, and you feel satisfied. Then the third stage, the toughest stage. You start improving, but with improvement comes pain, tiredness, and your brain starts telling you that you can't do it. This is the stage that most people give up at, and that's where they fail. However, if you can pass this stage, you will improve and nothing else is impossible. You see, that's the stage you are in right now. If you can overcome this, all will be good..."

Jenna wavered. It was true for the first two stages. She had felt exactly like that, is Sir Yuv telling the truth? Jenna nodded slowly, absorbing in everything he just said. Sir Yuv opened his arms and invited her to a hug. Although he was not used to being so soft and nice, he was sure that Jenna missed affection which was something boarding schools couldn't give. Jenna hesitated before awkwardly lowering into the hug, melting against him as she felt the warmth beneath the hug. "Thanks...I really needed that..." she smiled shyly. "No worries. I can be like your fatherly figure if you want." Sir Yuv gave the million dollar lopsided smile. Giggling, Jenna seemed comfortable around him. They sat on the edge of the bed, Jenna's feet swinging. Staying there in comfortable silence, they got lost in their own thoughts for a while before Sir Yuv was pulled back to reality by Jenna's little hand tapping him on the shoulder. "Sir Yuv, can we go back to train? We can't skip training...but can you go easier on us?" She asked with an angelic tone. Sir Yuv was Glad that she wasn't using this event to her advantage to sneak in a day off, but rather to persevere on. "Sure little one. Let's get your friends and head off!" He grinned.

After finding Hailey and Macey, they followed Sir Yuv to a place they had never seen before. JHM were confused as to why he brought them here. Macey plucked up the courage to ask him, and he replied, "today we will do something special, my favourite activity. We are learning Taekwondo!" JHM squealed in delight. Taekwondo was a Korean form of martial arts, and it was really cool! There were mats on the floor and some sparring equipment by the side, and a punching bag in a corner. "Alright! Warm up, three rounds around the room!" Sir Yuv spoke with enthusiasm, hyping up the group. They sprinted off and came back, all flushed bright pink. "Go do some stretching, then come back." He told them. They went to the middle of the room and did some light stretching. It was fun to do so because there was a big mirror in front of them, and they made funny faces at each other through the mirror.

"Girls! Line up and face the mirror. Do what I do!" Sir Yuv instructed. He taught them the basic punches, blocks and taught them the first part of a pattern. Then he taught them some kicks like side kick, front kick, 360 degrees backkick, back kick and hook. Putting all these together, they learnt their first pattern. During their first break, the three were all sweating buckets already. "If anyone says Taekwondo isn't a sport, I'm gonna punch them in the face! I'm so tired and sweaty!" Macey declared. Sir Yuv chuckled and walked over to them, handing them some spongey Guards, and a big piece of thing. With one eyebrow raised, they looked at Sir Yuv. "Wear these. I'll teach you how. Now, we are going to do sparring, so these will protect you from any injury." After much confusion and taking a long time to wear all their gear, they were finally ready.

They learnt the two types of sparring: non-contact and contact sparring. It was fun to kick around and pretend to fight, but under safe measures. Even when it was almost time for dinner, they wanted to stay on. "But..this is so fun!" Hailey put on her puppy eyes and whined. "Please...5 more minutes?" Jenna joined. Macey too, decided to put her hands together like in prayer mode. "No. You need to go shower then go for dinner!" Sir Yuv tried to rebut. After much debating, Sir Yuv facepalmed himself, definitely at his wits end. "Fine. We will shower, but after dinner, we must continue. HAHAHAH I didn't know Sir Yuv facepalms!" Macey chuckled and they started to imitate and mock him, skipping back to their dorms to get a change of clothes and to take a quick Instagram picture because they were getting famous online and Sir Yuv lent his phone to them every now and then (ahem ahem go check their account out if you haven't done so!). The rest of the day whizzed by, and sir Yuv did as promised, bringing them back for a short session of Taekwondo. As they returned to the dorm, Jenna tried to convince herself that she was just experiencing a mental block, and everything was going to be alright...but will it?

1263words if you wanna know
Hey people! Like I mentioned in the chapter, JHM posted a pic on their insta, so go check it out! The acc is: jawnlittle_official. Yay, second chapter of the day *dabs* Comment below if you liked this, and remember to vote. Thanks for everything, and peace out!! ✌️

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