Chapter 56: confrontation

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"Ready JHM?" Jenna cries out. "YES!" They chorused before bursting into giggles and grabbed their bags, getting ready to leave. "Remember girls. Ignore Kate...unless she comes to us then I will see how to respond." Hailey reminded them. They agreed and grinned. They had gone to breakfast extra early to avoid Kate, and was going to their home room first and settle down so as to not bump into Kate. Boy was this going to be a fun day for them. They were not going to be so nice to that demon in disguise anymore. She was a cunning girl that they had to be cautious of.

Strutting to their home room, they made themselves comfortable on their bean bags and chit chatted, a smirk playing on their lips. After talking for a while, they noticed Kate walking in. She seemed to have extra make up on, and looked confused, probably because JHM did not find her at her dorm like usual. That was all part of her plan. In fact, it has just started. Kate walked over to them to talk to them, but they ignored her and Jenna told them a joke which caused them to burst into fits of laughter. Kate frowned at them before awkwardly walking over to her beanbag that was next to them and sat down, keeping to herself.

Last time, she hung around her roommates until they started bullying her. Then, she had no friends till Hailey reached out to her. Once again, she landed herself into this situation of loneliness. She made a face at her situation and took out a book to occupy her time. 'Maybe they just forgot about me...and didn't notice me...' Kate thought to herself. Glad that she had a reasonable explanation, she became engrossed in her book, hoping to distract herself from the pain she felt in her heart. She thought that the girls were just grumpy yesterday, but it looks like it was brought onto today as well. However, even when they were dismissed for class, she was left behind to watch the three girls deep in conversation going ahead of her. 'Who am I kidding? They didn't bother to show up at my dorm yesterday, and ignored me in finishing school yesterday. I dont need them anyways. Good job Kate good job, you somehow drove away your new besties.' She scoffed.

In their third class, Kate tried her best to talk to them, in hopes of realising that this was all a prank, or perhaps to just get an explanation. She even tried passing them notes, but the notes never came back. Sighing, she decided to deal with all these later and focus on the class. Of course, it was impossible. All she could think about was why they were treating her that way, and she started dwelling in her negative emotions, pitying herself. Worry clouded her mind and she started breaking down. 

By the end of lessons, she was extremely depressed and annoyed at the situation she was in. Walking to the canteen all on her own reminded her of her loneliness, and she ate on her own whilst JHM went back to their old table with their old friends. Yes, they fit in well there. Kate forlornly picked with her food as she had no appetite, despite the high-class food on her plate. Even some Teachers gave her a look of pity upon seeing her state, to which she ignored and focused on her food. About some time later, Kate had barely touched her food when she saw JHM walk past. They even pointed at her and laughed. That was her last straw. She chucked the leftovers in the nearest dustbin and ran after them. She caught up quickly and grabbed Macey's hand to pull her into the nearest classroom. Wondering why Macey suddenly disappeared into the classroom, Hailey and Jenna followed suit, when they heard the door click shut and locked. Kate stood at the door and turned on a light, so they could see her.

"What do you want Kate?" Jenna said in an irritated voice. Kate chuckled. "Oh suddenly you can talk to me. Simple, I want answers, then I will let you out. Why have you avoided me this whole day?" She suddenly turned serious halfway. Hailey shook her head, signalling that she refused to answer. Macey decided to do so as well while Jenna played with her fingers and looked down at her shoe. "Well...I have time to wait. You dont get to go out until I get answers." Kate said calmly with a shrug. Inside, she was like a volcano that had lava spilling out. They were going to test her patience, but she had little to none left. As expected, the trio refused to budge and neither did she from the door. Just then, Macey tried pushing Kate away to free them, but Kate shoved her onto the floor, determined to not let anyone even get close to the door until she got answers. "WHAT THE HECK? LET ME OUT!" Macey was furious that she was being held captive here, and was even getting claustrophobic in a classroom. It was honestly awkward as well, being held captive by a fellow classmate, even if they were enemies.

Hailey stepped forward to help Macey up, and noticed that she had blood trickling down her elbow. Looks like she used her elbow to break her fall and her skin was torn pretty badly. Hailey could not stand to see her friend injured, and was worried about her wound getting injured. "Fine. If I tell you the truth you will immediately let us out?" She confirmed. Kate nodded. "Macey overheard your conversation with your father, and we know you are just using me. Let us out now." Hailey cut the chase and simply stated. Kate was shocked. They...heard wonder.....she absentmindedly stumbled aside as Hailey hurriedly reached for the lock and freed them. Before leaving, Kate heard Jenna mumble, "Monster..." tears started to roll down Kate's eyes. Was she a Monster? What has become of her?

Hello guys! Yay I managed to post today isn't that great? Do you like this chapter or is it too dramatic? Thank you for all the support you have been giving me all throughout the book, I really am touched. I will do my best to continue updating. Remember to vote and comment! Thanks and peace out ✌️ 💓

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