Chapter 55: Meeting's over

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    "I think we need to return to class now..." Kate announced when everyone was back in the room. "Yes, I agree. Thank you for the meal." Hailey directed this to Kate's parents. They flashed a wide grin — perhaps a little to wide. Macey protectively took Hailey and Jenna's hands, which confused the two, but they just snuggled into her arms taking in the comfort of their best friend. Completely full from the lunch, they slowly made their way out of the room. The canteen was mostly empty already, which was unusual for them but they swiftly proceeded to exit the canteen finding that an empty canteen was creepy. They headed to their class despite wanting to fall asleep, and sat through the rest of the day in agony. Who likes school? Well, not them at least.

    Macey squirmed in her seat, and nothing her teacher said could get through into her brain. The conversation that she overheard earlier between kate and her dad was replayed over and over again in her head, and she just could not snap out of it. "MACEY!" The teacher hollered. Macey jumped up and squealed in surprise. "YES MA"AM?" She screamed back, still terrified. The teacher rolled her eyes and pointed to the board. Oh, a summary of the paragraph the class just read. Macey looked down at the paper on her desk that held the paragraph they had just read. Glancing through, she grasped a few words she felt was important and summarised them, which earned a warning glare from the teacher. "Yes. Correct. However please pay attention." She sternly told Macey before directing her to sit down. Heaving a sigh of relief, Macey slumped back into her seat, not giving a care about her posture. Her mind was so full of thoughts popping out of nowhere. Why was Kate backstabbing them? Was her sob story fake? But Hailey saw the scars...was Kate manipulating them?

    Unable to find a way to let out her emotions, she looked around her desk. Hmm....what could she do to calm herself down? She found an empty notebook and the moment she opened to the first page, she could imagine how the entire page could be filled with words, and drawings. Wasting no time, she picked up her pencil to doodle, followed by outlining the drawings with a dark black pen. When she drew, she allowed creativity to flow, and to divert all her negative energy into it. When outlining it, she slowly felt calmer and soon got her emotions back on track.

    Their last class was over and they were finally dismissed. Luckily they had an hour to relax before finishing school. Kate sashayed over to them and asked, "Wanna come to my dorm?" Hailey and Jenna were about to nod their heads and follow her to her down when Macey spoke up quickly. "NO! I meant...ummm sorry I need to get something from the dorm and umm I need the two of them as well. We will meet you back at your dorm okay?" Hailey and Jenna gave her confused looks and Kate seemed puzzled as well. Nevertheless, she agreeed.

    Macey grabbed their hands and pulled them towards their dorm as fast as she could go. "WOAH WOAH slow down mate!" Jenna cried out. Hailey almost turned green from the speed and angle she was being dragged. Both of them could not express their gratitude for being let go of. Macey gave them two seconds to compose themselves before immediately telling them what she overheard Kate say to her dad. The two were fuming like Macey by the end of the explanation. "THAT CUNNING B-" Jenna screeched as she punched the air as if she was punching Kate. "She is so not trustworthy. How could I even think about trusting her?" Hailey shook her head regretting that she trusted her so easily, wondering if Kate really never changed. Why was Kate doing this? Was she still being manipulative? Or could she be innocent...or....Hailey was at loss of what to think of Kate.

    "So..should we still go over to her-" Hailey was about to ask when Macey and Jenna replied, "NO!" In unison. Hailey nodded her head and they decided to chill in their room before finishing school. Meanwhile, Kate was in her room and had set up some board games that she had planned to play with the girls when they came over. However, they never came. Frustrated, she kicked the board in frustration and grabbed her pink fluffy backpack and left the dorm to go for class. Those backstabbing girls, breaking a promise. Ugh. When she reached the classroom, she saw Macey and Hailey sitting there already chatting to each other and giggling. Upon seeing her arrive, they whispered to each other, before Macey gave her a smirk and Hailey gave her a glare. At this point, Kate was completely dumbfounded by their coldness, and could only return a weak smile. What had happened to her newfound friends? Why were they being like this?

     Kate was depressed as she made her way to her seat and dropped herself into the chair, before picking up a storybook and reading it. To be honest, she could not focus on anything at this point. Why were her best friends ignoring her, and breaking a promise? Did they not like her parents and siblings? Was that it? Was this just a prank? Was it because of her dad who always ruined things? UGH HER DAD IS SUCH A RUINER! Even when class started, all these questions swarmed her head. Kate wanted to cry out in agony, but she was in a classroom and she had no way to vent anything out. Bottling them all up, she kept to herself until they were dismissed. However, upon reaching her dorm, she saw a note was on the table addressed to her by her father. What now? It read: Kate, I noticed Hailey and Macey ignoring you. Make sure you keep our promise! Kate wanted to her pull her hair out at this point. Groaning in frustration with all these negative energy, she flopped onto her bed and pulled the covers over her head. Maybe she would never wake up again and not have to face all these.
Hey guys did you like this chapter? Not a cliffhanger hahaha well, sorry for not updating yesterday. I'm having a tight schedule this period, but will continue updating daily after this week! Sorry about that! Well, thanks for being so patient...stay safe and healthy! Remember to vote and comment below :) peace out ✌️ 💓

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