7 February, 2021.

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Today was the last day of a mentally exhausting exam season.

I don't think I've emerged victorious at all. Every exam I gave was like a slap in the face. None of the prep plans I had worked and I gave up way too many times than I normally would have.

Day started out with getting up at 6AM, getting my morning routine done and revising a couple of Math formulae, in a last hope that it'll be of any help.

Dad dropped me off at the center, which was about 45 mins away from home. I was the first of the 15 students to reach the center. After waiting in the lobby for about 15 mins, we got to enter the exam hall and get our pre-exam procedures done.

As always, I tried figuring out a way to make the right-hand friendly mouse position work for me.

The test began a little before 9AM. I raced through the VARC Section, didn't really find it that tough. My mocks had shown me that I needed to be quick with this section and as a result I had a whopping 9 mins to spare when I reached the last question for this section.

Next came the Reasoning section. I probably got a couple CR questions wrong cause I kept getting a certain type of question at regular intervals. I bombed one of the Input-Output Questions tho. I just couldn't get the logic. Overall, the section was decent.

Moving on to the nemesis of this exam season, Quants. I did not score well in this section and to be very honest, I'm surprised. Because if I compare this paper to the others and even my mocks, I was able to solve the most amount of sums. I was confident that I'll score higher than normal but I didn't.

My overall score is better than last time's but this section might just be the reason I miss out on that shortlist call.

And that's how the last paper of this exam season went.

After my exam, dad and I went to two of our now frequently visited bakeries and got a couple of items for lunch. I am normally not up to "celebrate" after poor performances but as Kristen says, I need to at least celebrate the end of this stressful period.

After coming back home and having lunch, I filled a pending college application and after surfing YouTube for a while, I began working and submitted all deliverables that were due today.

No exam prep means I'm free to get back to working longer hours but I hope I can keep away from my laptop even now.

At around 5PM, mom and dad came to my room and began clearing some storage area. I guess they didn't do it before because they didn't want to disturb me.

Now that my exams are over, we come to the inevitable question. What next?

I need to learn from last year's mistake and have a plan for the rest of the year. I have been living in the moment for a while now and that needs to change.

My main aim for 2021 is to learn how to live alone. This means I have to concentrate on/learn the following things :

-> Cooking
-> Driving / Riding a scooter
-> Banking
-> Shopping for groceries
-> Mobile plans
-> there's probably much more but I can't think of it at the moment

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