4 October, 2019.

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Today I found a room where I could sit all alone and it felt nice. Why am I like this?! :P

My entire day went into making sense of the data I've been given and yup, it was yet another not-so-good day.

I'm just glad the weekend is here. How has my life already become like this? I thought it would take some months at least.

Things were not good at home as well. I had a major fight with my mom today. We've obviously argued before but today it was a full blown one and I'm still angry about it.

So what happened is that mom and her building kitty group are planning to have a Navratri get-together with all family members. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before but the kids of mom's building friends are too small and Alex and I will not be able to talk or "have fun" with them. Which is why we told her that we don't want to come for this celebration.

Mom is not taking this well at all. For some reason, she is forcing us to come along with mom and dad and calls us "ungrateful". I don't even understand why. Alex and I are big enough to decide which parties we want to attend and which ones to be left out of. Even if the entire family has been invited. Why doesn't she understand that? She isn't even giving us a proper explanation as to why she insists on us being there!

Both Alex and I were arguing with mom and things were already pretty heated but I completely lost it when my mom accused me of being over-smart nowadays.

Dafaq?! What the hell was that for? Where the hell did that even come from? Alex knows that I rarely get this pissed or shout this loud so he immediately came in the middle to handle the situation.

Whatever man, we'll figure it out tomorrow.

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