3 November, 2019.

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Contrary to what I thought, IZ*ONE released their Album Highlight Medley today!

I won't talk about all the songs but my top three "look-forward-to" songs are:
-> Fiesta
-> 언젠가 우리의 밤도 진나가겠죠 (Jo Yuriz's song)
-> Daydream

I really like the beats in Daydream! The feeling that I got from this song was similar to when I heard Highlight for the first time. Yujin's voice totally suited that part and I can't wait to hear more.

As I said before, if my favs Jo Yuriz are in a unit, then it's definitely high up on my anticipation list. I wasn't expecting any particular type of song but I can definitely see these three rock a ballad. We've already heard Yuri and Chaewon's ballad-y duet at one of the K-Cons and now it's time for Yena to join them too. Yay!

Okay now coming to the title track. IT'S SO HIGH ON ENERGY I LOVE IT! Even with so many songs, it's pretty clear that Fiesta is the strongest and the most "title-worthy" track on the list.

Having said that, it's also the most confusing song in the sense that I was and (to some extent) still am wondering who the hell sang which part.

After listening to it a couple of times, here's what I think.

The first 2 lines are sung by Eunbi. It's probably a biased opinion but I also hear Yena in the second line and I'm kinda hoping it is actually her🙈

The 3rd line is definitely one of the JLine members and my pick is Sakura.

Now this 4th line....the first half is probably Minju and the second half...... I'm just not able to decipher who it is! But if I just had to take a wild guess, I'd say Yuri.

The last line was the only recognisable one. It's our maknae Wonyoung!

Let's just wait for the song to be released and my confusions to be solved.

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