15 November, 2019.

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Today was a long day and somehow I don't remember all of it.

A couple years back, my dad had joined one of his ex-colleagues/ best friend and became the third Partner at a Consultancy Firm. Today was an auspicious day for this firm.

They have now expanded their office! That too right next door! How convenient! (Also, looks like there's a pattern of owning your next doors in this family ;))

They held a Housewarming puja for it today. So I woke up at 6AM, got dressed in my pink and white traditional attire and left for dad's office(s).

This was the first time I ever visited my dad's office. The space is pretty decent for the number of staff they have. Oh, ofcourse this was my first time meeting the staff too. Since there is no "Sir/Ma'am" culture in my firm, it was a bit surprising to hear others address dad in that manner. I quickly got used to it tho.

The staff - most of whom were women - treated me with respect too. A little more than I had imagined, to be honest. Obviously, they were a bit closed off when it came to post introductory conversations but that really wasn't an issue.

I met the other Partners and their families as well. Among them was another Partner's son and dudeeeee, this introduction with him totally had a Risha-like feel to it. It was SOOOOO awkward.

Shedding that first impression, I initiated the conversations but he didn't seem to want to continue so I dropped it. He eventually came up to me while having breakfast and that's when we had a good chat.

After around and hour or two, I decided it's high time I left for my office or else I would've been late. There was another employee headed to the station so I traveled with her. Turns out, she was employed for a very similar role to mine! What a coincidence!

We reached the station and OH MY FUCKING GOD THE CROWD!!!!

Don't get me wrong, I've been traveling by local trains for about 5 years now and I definitely know how crowded it can get. I've also managed to get into crowded trains and survived through the pain and discomfort multiple times. But today there was no way I would've been able to do that. The two of us legit left 4-5 trains until boarding one that traveled a relatively shorter distance (thereby having a lesser crowd on board).

Needless to say, I ended up being super late for work. If that didn't grab some eyeballs, my outfit definitely did. I tried to supress my "being overdressed" anxiety and brushed through the day. I mostly did that by considerably limiting the number to times I left our designated room. :P

Anyways, even though I didn't have much work to do today, I still ended up coming home late and yup, I'm pretty tired now. So bye!

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now