9 November, 2020.

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Study Leave Day 1.

It's been a constant struggle to get back to super concentrated while preparing for exams. I will still give it a go.

I woke up by 7:30AM, even though I planned to wake up by 6. Not being active on Wattpad for so long made me get carried away with a book that I'd been following for months - the author had updated multiple chapters in the past week or two.

This went on until 9AM. Not a very fruitful morning routine, huh?

I spent my time considerably well after that tho.

After re-co templating my study strategy, I went through some quant videos and finally got some confidence over one topic as I was able to solve the CAT level questions quickly.

Post lunch, I also studied VARC just cause I wanted to understand if videos was the way go about revising this section. Still not completely convinced with either argument.

I alternated between Quants and VARC for the rest of the day, with VARC taking up most of the latter half of the day.

I did get some work calls/messages in the evening but that it wasn't a surprise. I knew they'd be coming at least until all the Tax Queries are finished. I hope I got don't get any calls after the Tax Queries are finished.

Since Diwali is around the corner, some of my colleagues took it upon themselves to collect pictures of others in traditional clothes and make a video out of it (the management had requested each department to plan/share something).

We had a heavy influx of Analysts during the lockdown period so I wasn't able to recognise more than half the people on that video. :P

However, that video was a conversation started with the people I DID know so I unusually chatted with them for a while.

Haven't done much studying post dinner but I know I'll get there.

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