25 September, 2019.

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I was really nervous for today.

This was the first time I was going to be facing a client, or my team for that matter and I didn't want to screw it up.

I reached the desired station and found a rick who agreed to take me to where the office is located. The office is not near the station which is a bummer. We had to pass through narrow lanes of a slum so yeah, the route to the office is also not a good one. The only good thing about this route is that it beats the highway traffic.

Anyways, I ended up reaching an hour before the decided time so I decided to roam around the area and check the place out. There was nothing to see tho. We had the metro construction going on in the middle of the main road. One side of that road belonged to a huge bus depot and the other was... I don't even know. There are 2 huge and popular residential societies nearby tho and that makes the lack of restaurants/entertainment places even more puzzling.

Maybe I would've found some if I had gone a bit further but it started raining so I had no option but to enter the office.

I sat there at their lobby, taking in my surroundings for about 15 mins until my manager arrived. We hadn't had a proper conversation ever since our first meet so we engaged in a little small talk. I also spoke to my supervisor when he came. I could talk comparatively more with him because he is only 2 years elder to me and we share the same junior college (he completed his senior college from there itself).

The other two team-mates came super late but the client hadn't come yet so good for them. I waited for a total of an hour and 45 mins tho. :|

Apparently this office has a policy wherein it is imperative for visitors to be accompanied by one of the client's employees when the visitors do not have access cards.

The office looked nice but because my senior college was so fancy and I've seen quite a few big offices now, it didn't WOW me as much as it usually would have.

Another reason could be because I was HELLA nervous for this meet. Yet another reason could because the washroom placement/entry to the cafeteria is pathetic (as compared to the other offices).

Anyways, we kept our bags in the meeting room assigned to us and after having a bit of breakfast, we started with the meeting.

HOLY CRAP there was so much information to take in. The main aim for today's meeting was to learn about the company and about our role.

I can tell you everything that the company does but I still won't be able to tell you what the fuck am I supposed to be doing there. The moment they got to the part of the business where we come in, it's like my mind switched off. I had read almost the entire doc that my supervisor had sent yesterday so it's not like I don't know shit about the topic anymore. I feel like the more I get to know about the topic, the more complex things get.

I had lunch with my team afterwhich we went downstairs for a walk. It reminded me of the walks I used to take at my first internship. But the experience is totally different. There is no shopping mart that you can stroll around, just an empty parking space.

As I said before, my supervisor and I've been to the same college so we had a couple things in common. Out of all of them, I felt comparatively more comfortable talking to him than the others. I did talk to the others tho. And learnt that I'm not the youngest! One of the guys is born in 1999! Wow! He doesn't look like his age tho.

After coming back to our room, I started working on collating the information we had just got from our client. This went on for the rest of my time at that office. Dad was nearby so I got done early and he picked me up. We inturn picked up some vada pav and samosas on our way back home.

I spoke to Office I girl because I missed her and the rest of them. Now that it's confirmed that I won't be going to that office, I realise just how much I liked being around them. CA 1 and CA 2 included. And it felt really nice when they said they missed me too. I can't believe I became close to so many people in just a week and feel bad that I won't get to meet them now.

I just hope that life in this new office will get less lonelier as the days go by.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now