1 December, 2019.

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It's a working Sunday y'all.

But the work from home kind.

So I got started at around 8:45AM and worked non stop until lunch time.

And then went on to work till around 6-6:30PM. That's cause Henry called to tell us to continue our work tomorrow. That's nice!

Mom forced me to go to a neighbour's house for some puja darshan and after that, we had some Mughlai dinner and I spent the rest of my time listening to songs.

For a change, I decided to listen to some Bollywood songs that I used to love and it felt so good! I'll probably start listening to Bollywood music again. Somehow I feel like it's the need of the hour😂

Anyways, coming back to work, I'm done with one sector but have quite a few doubts regarding the other. Hopefully I get them sorted quickly and I'm able to send my work in by first half tomorrow.

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