12 October, 2019.

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Alex has been right so far. He had predicted that once I start working, I'll become a workaholic.

I spent most of my day working today. There were two reasons for it. First of all, yes I really do want to stop being clueless and be on top of things before it gets even more complicated. Now that I'm scheduled to understand the working of Sector V on Monday, I want to get all my concepts and doubts cleared for Sector P as soon as possible.

Another reason is because of the boost I got yesterday. I got quite a lot of my doubts cleared yesterday. Agreed that they were only pertaining to the extra workings that I have to do, there are around 4 of these workings and I need to be able to understand these as well. And because I understood quite a bit of that yesterday, it increased my confidence and gave me hope that I can figure things out.

As of today, I have completed re-performing all the workings and made (almost) final process docs for each one of them. Yay!

Coming to my family members, my mom went for a late Navratri celebration today. Now that I think about it, I forgot to ask her how it was....

Alex has his TOEFL exam tomorrow. He's been studying quite hard for it and seems pretty confident. I assisted him in a part of his prep today. He's improved a lot! Hope his exam goes well. All the best boy!

My dad. I love him. I've been sharing a bit of my work problems with him and he's been helping me out from the first instance. He's probably not done this kind of work but for my sake, he's trying to understand things and teach them to me whenever I ask him to.

All three of them (and the others I've spoken to these past couple of days/week(s)) have comforted me in one way or the other and it feels nice to have such positive people around. :)

Trust yourself, woman.

Yellow day.

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