14 September, 2019.

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I woke up late today and didn't really do anything productive throughout the morning.

Dad and I had yet another conversation regarding the job offer. Here's the thing. Because I'm such a confused fuck who doesn't know what kind of job I really want to do, I can't choose between different JDs and tell you that "this is what I see myself doing for the rest of my life". In that case, the only option is to explore, try things out and then get a better understanding of what I want from life.

This means, I have absolutely no idea which job out of the two I prefer, just based on the JD.

This may also be a major reason why I look for dad's approval in such matters. Dad is really keen on the bank offer cause he seems to really like the culture. He says that I'd get a really nice experience there. But there's a chance I won't get the job in the end so....

I finally accepted the job offer and started filling forms and arranging my documents. There were quite a few of them.

In the evening, I got ready and left for Hannah's party. When I got off at the station and was on my way to the venue, I suddenly felt the heel of my shoe fall off. Granted that I had bought them back in 2012-13 but this wasn't the time! And the rate at which my shoes have breaking/getting spoilt (my formal shoes broke yesterday), I'm going to have to re stock my entire shoe cabinet!!

I tried to fix my shoe using fevi quick but that didn't work out. Since I was right next to the station I knew that I'd find a mochi (roadside footwear repair shop) somewhere nearby. But then when I found one, the guy wasn't there and I had to wait for over 15 mins for him to come back and fix my shoes.

Though late, I reached the place. Surprisingly, nobody asked me for an ID! I guess they only check after a certain time.

The party was alright. The music was too loud for people to talk to others who weren't sitting beside them. Nobody was dancing so the loud music didn't have much purpose. I mostly spoke to Daisy and Darcy.

Deborah and another guy took a "syringe shot" and the whole visual looked really wrong. Thank goodness I didn't try it. Some guys came to us to advertise Budweiser's non-alcoholic beer. I hate beer so I didn't drink. I had a few sips of an LIT tho.

At around 10:30PM, we took loads of pictures and Daisy, Darcy, another friend and I left. I wanted to stay till 12 to see Hannah cut her cake but couldn't.

Initially I had no plans of staying till midnight at all cause, you know, no company and all that. But yesterday Hannah called me up and told me that Darcy agreed to drop me. She obviously did! She always says yes to things even when she can't handle it. Hannah told me that Darcy has another party to attend so she'll come to Hannah's first, then go for the other party and then come back by 12 for the cake cutting. And then she can drop me home. You understand what I'm trying to say now?

I called Darcy to just hear her side. She told me the same thing but we came to a quick conclusion that even though this sounds okay on paper, practically this plan doesn't make sense. This is why I decided not to stay back eventually.

Anyways, Darcy was going to the other party and offered to drop me to (another) nearby station. But good lord there was so much traffic! I reached the station by 11:30. I quickly caught a train but went into the general compartment for safety reasons. Dad came to pick me up at our station. Now that I think about it, it would've been perfectly fine even if he hadn't come to pick me up. There were quite a lot of ricks available at my service.

After coming back home, the four us played multiple rounds of cards after a really long time!

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now