19 November, 2019.

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Today was overall a nice day.

Work is again starting to get stressful but some of our team members managed to talk about things apart from work.

It started during lunch... by me! I started talking to the new girl about the recent Katy Perry concert that took place near my city and the conversation picked on from there. Tristan also joined us halfway and even though it wasn't much, I was SO GLAD that we could have a non-work related dialogue.

When we came back from having food, there was a meeting happening in the room that we had occupied. They said they'd take around 10 mins so we had to lounge around for a while.

This office has two bean bags placed in one of its corners near the windows, overlooking a part of the city. I've always wanted to sit there but didn't have much time. Today, I automatically went towards those bean bags and occupied one of them. New girl didn't want to sit so Tristan sat on the other one when the boys arrived.

Preston and Tyson went to do their own thing after a point while I managed to initiate yet another non-work related topic. I asked Tristan about the wedding that he's going to attend and he told us about the various functions and how he's also going to take part in the Sangeet ceremony's choreographed dances (no, I did not ask him to take a video to show us. That would've been too weird). We three then got talking a little about our home town/where our parents are from, places we've visited in India, drinking permissions (or lack of, in my case) and deadlines.

Even though I spoke the most out of the three, I was just happy that Tristan was opening up a little. Also, the two of them also shared a couple of things about them so that's nice.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now