14 July, 2020.

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I'm feeling so frustrated today.

The Tax Team and us have always been at loggerheads since the start of this project.

Before, most of the arguments were only regarding the timeless. Now it's moved on to much more. One of it is GSTR2A Reconciliation.

In my opinion, The Tax Team is handling this exersize in a pretty shitty way. I do acknowledge the importance of the tool they're using for Reconciliation but the process that they follow before and after the tool bit is a disaster.

Sector P was the first and probably the only sector to try and resolve the accumulated credit over the past months. My client side Manager looped in an entire Finance Team to help resolve this issue. And over time every one have played their part in big ways or small.

Since March/April, we had sort of developed a system. I would collate the YTD Unmatched transactions and share that with the Team. I would also share the Tax Team's Reconciliation File, a file that would easily show broad reasons as to why things were unmatched. I myself was able to cross check a couple of things and come up with my own analysis/findings and present it to others so that there is some way we could get things going.

The Finance Team inturn would use the Reco File to get in contact with the respective Vendors and come back to me with their responses. Together, we would decide on the actionable, which more often than not led to me changing details in my Registers.

This process definitely had it's flaws and it wasn't moving as fast as I had hoped it to, but it was progress nonetheless. I was involved in setting up this process so I naturally felt compelled to go on with it.

However, that's come into jeapordy now. First of all, I made changes to around 300 line items worth Rs. 60L last month and none of them were considered in the returns! We had given them the updated file and for some reason they still decided to the take the previous ones.

Further, I don't know what their reasons behind this was, but this time they decided to take all the base files for Reco, including the ones that had matched. How the fuck does that solve anything? In fact, what ended up happening was the items that were considered in the previous month were again shown as disallowed now.

And I won't be able to share this bullshit file to Sector's P's team if I myself am not able to work around it. I thought it was a one time blunder but no, they plan to continue this method - a method that will ensure my client's money remains stuck in the drain. Increase that stuck amount even.

I know this is not our personal money but their motto is just to take up volume and show the client that they're doing something, instead of actually looking at resolving any of it.

I am unable to say anything because these decisions are being made at a much higher level. It's so frustratinggggg!

They've managed to stop the only Sector that was working to sort this shithole out. Great. Just great.

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