23 October, 2019.

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The first good news for today was that Alex's TOEFL results came out and he got a good score! Woohoo! Congratulations bro!

The second good news I got today was that we got invited to tomorrow's Diwali party at our office. That means I'll finally be going and meeting everyoneeeee! I'm so excited! Initially we were seriously considering working out of Office L since morning itself so that we won't be wasting time in traveling. In fact that's exactly what was decided by the end of the day. But then came a hiccup. Apparently the client had some important work and they wanted us to be there in office for that. It isn't related to my sector but I gotta go where my team does. Sigh...

My friends took it in a postive way so I don't feel as sour about it.

I do feel sour and angry about another thing tho. Preston was playing some Hindi songs on Youtube and I wasn't really reacting to it cause... I don't really need to. I had probably just mentioned that I like Korean songs. And then they suddenly decided to play BTS' Boy With Luv and began laughing and making fun of the boys.

And then people wonder why I don't open up.

I've respected their choices in music, why can't they respect mine. I don't even understand what was so funny about it? This is exactly why I say that India will not be ready for BTS or KPop for a while. I felt really bad and angry at myself as well cause I wasn't able to defend BTS. Please please let me have the courage to atleast say something back if this happens again.

To end the day on a postive/neutral note, I finally got around to using the face mask that I had bought a couple of weeks back. It was big for me and I'm not quite sure if it did anything to my face at all so meh. I'll probably stick to my face wash and face pack for a while.

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