27 September, 2019.

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Today was a much better day. Dad dropped me again so I don't have travel problems while going to office.

My supervisor helped us understand the client files just like my dad had done last night. That's really good on his part.

I felt at ease the entire day today. My sector training will begin on Monday so I can relax till then. For the rest of the day, I read all the related docs that the client had sent.

Our team went to (the client's canteen to) have snacks in the evening and our manager treated us. That's nice :) I had sev puri. It was good.

I came home happy.

So I've been talking to CA2 for quite some time now. Today while discussing about exes (Ha. Like I have anything to share), he told me that he feels at home with me.

That kinda puts a bit of burden on me cause even though I like talking to him, I am going to take a hell lot of time to reciprocate these feelings. But I know that it's not compulsory to feel the same way someone feels for you so yeah. I'm not going to lie.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now