3 October, 2019.

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Today was not a good day.

I reached on time but we had to shift rooms due to booking issues yet again. There were some connectivity issues too.

I had to be alone for today's Skype call cause Tristan and Henry were busy with the other sectors' knowledge transfer. And honestly, I thought I was able to understand everything. After lunch I had yet another call and holy shit it was SO EXHAUSTING!! That was a lot of information to take in.

In the evening, my manager asked me to repeat what happened during the calls and I wasn't able to answer his cross-questions. Boy, it felt bad. It felt really bad.

I guess my mood was off for a while after that. The others picked up on it too. Maybe I should try hard to hide my distress. I don't want to start a pity party here.

I felt a bit better after reaching home. I tied going through some SAP videos on YouTube.

I've also planned to go through my degree college Tax Book. Ironic I know. But I gotta do what I gotta do.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now