11 November, 2019.

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I had decided to try to and leave early this week so that I could at least try and study something before my entrance exam next week....

It ended up being longest day at work yet.

Since I had stayed up last night and got done with my part of the work, I wasn't under pressure to do things.

However, the Tax Team was uploading their data today and they came up with additional queries. On the final day of submission!!!

There were around 100 places where they had problems and we tried to solve all of them. Ultimately my sector had the most number of irrecoverable damage and the self-critical side of me was not at all happy.

Another problem that has occurred for me is the sheet that I worked on last night has suddenly just disappeared from my file. I don't remember deleting anything man! It's so annoying!!

This work is just not ending!!!

Anyways, the Tax Team successfully uploaded the rest of the data (which is a lot, mind you) so it was a successful day in at least one way.

We left office by 11, Tristan again asked for the rickshaw to go to my place before going back to his. If the people in my building were really nosy, I'd probably have someone "snitch" to my parents that I get dropped by a guy late at night. Lol.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now