14 November, 2019.

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I woke up early and studied a little bit before leaving for office by 10:30AM. Oh today was Office L daaaay! Yay!

Since I am done with my main submissions, I didn't have a lot to do today. Which means I got more time to mingle with my peers.

Work-wise I only had to address some tax queries and spent most of my time organising stuff on my laptop cause it was a mess. It's just been a week since my main deliverables began but there's A LOT to sort out.

Dude, I just hope that the Tax Team incorporated all the things that I sent them cause I still don't have the final version of the Register. I'll be screwed if they don't.

For some reason, I found it difficult to go up to Tristan and talk to him even for work related matters when he was with his friend.

I already knew this but with each conversation, it keeps getting confirmed. Tristan is super closed and won't reveal things about himself. Today, there was a point where he said something (small) about himself but quickly covered it up and didn't bring it up again.

Rare instances like these make me feel that I shouldn't completely stop trying to be more friendly with him. Maybe he'll open up a bit if I'm a little consistent.

If I had to recall and think about all the conversations we've had off late, I'd say I'm pretty much going with the flow without any expectations. I'm not and don't even want to think about what may or may not happen in the future.

For now, the only conclusion is that I shouldn't go (back) to being super professional with him. And most importantly, not to expect too much back. I'll try however little I can to make him open up a tad bit but if he doesn't, I'm going to have to be fine with it.

I had lunch with my peeps today and went for veg pasta this time. Didn't want history repeating itself. :P

I also went for multiple coffee breaks with different people. I felt so jobless today.🤣

I also met CA1 for a bit but couldn't hang out more cause currently it's an extremely busy period for his department.

Today I made sure I took a picture with (almost) everyone! I might not get to meet them this often so I want something to remind myself of them and the good times we've shared together.

I traveled back home with one of them (the only other person among us who also lives in Mumbai) and we spoke about our mutual stress points. I additionally told her about CA2's confession and she told me that she knew this would happen sooner or later. She told me how much of a bitch her new Team Lead is and I guess, we both felt nice to let it all out for once.

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