16 October, 2019.

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Today was an amazing day!

I reached office by 8:50AM. Well, that wasn't amazing but I had stuff to get done before I had the second/last session with my trainer.

She didn't end up coming on time so I managed to get my tax emails sorted.

Henry arrived early and at some point he began questioning my decision to take up this/a job before completing my masters. He also asked why I didn't go for Marketing or some other fields and I found that a little annoying because he's never said that to the boys before. Does he really think this is the wrong field for me? If so, I don't understand why.

My trainer came and I got almost all of my doubts solved. Finallyyyyy! Hopefully things will go well now.

We had a late lunch (well, just me cause the others went before me) but I atleast got stuff done.

I had a chill time post lunch, which was great.

Our room was booked only till the 15th so we got kicked out and got ourselves some temporary seats on the main floor.

And had a whole lot of fun while working. I spoke to the others too.

There was a hilarious scene that pursued! So Tyson was on a call with his trainer. He had taken my laptop cause I was the only one who had received one from our client and Skype calls are much better on those. Anyways, things seem to be going well when Tyson suddenly looks at me and hovers his hand over his head signifying everything's going above his head. "Sir ke upar se jaa raha hai sab". I just couldn't stop laughing 😂😂😂

I finally had a Knowledge Transfer call for Sector V. Tristan was there with me so I was more relaxed. For some reason I thought the Sector V trainer would be rude but he wasn't. Yay! Sector V doesn't have a lot of adjustments as compared to the other sectors so we completed the two Registers very quickly. There aren't a lot of workings as well.

I got done early today. I mean I still had some stuff to do but I could afford to do it tomorrow. It wasn't anything urgent. So I left for home by 6:15. The blue sky felt so great! It's been a while since I've left office before it being dark.

I came back home and DIDN'T DO ANY WORK. YAY!

At night I spoke to CA 2. And then I had a video call with DAISY AND ISABELE AFTER SO LONG! It felt so great! We caught up on each other's lives, joked, had fun. We spoke for almost an hour.

I really do miss them.

Mom went out for a sleepover. It's like we're aging the opposite way now.

A really really nice day. I'm going to cherish it.

Purple Day.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now