18 October, 2019.

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Today was a good day.

Friday's are causual days so I decided to wear my slightly torn pants with a red tank top and a light blue jacket. I've worn this outfit before but it's the first time I really liked the tucked in look.

My fam also complimented me and Alex went on to predict that I'll be getting a bit of attention today.... if you know what he means.

I also wore my Converse after a really long time so yay!

My manager hasn't been coming to this office now. Not sure whether it's a good or a bad thing. Because somehow I feel more on the edge because of his presence but then coordinating with the client becomes a little tricky if he isn't there.

Tyson and Tristan had a long Skype call to attend so I was sent to check up on Tyson and Preston's laptop and access status. It was a sort of a good thing because I needed to get my access sorted as well.

It was my first time actually talking to the Sector C's trainer. He seemed pretty serious when we first met him but then I got to know that he's actually quite nice. He spoke very well with me and I have a feeling it did have something to do with my appearance. Alex wasn't wrong afterall, eh?

Cause not just him, a few other client heads also spoke a bit casually with me, something I never ever imagined would happen. I'm not counting on it to happen again tho. I know better than to expect a lot from people.

Anyways, I encountered so many employees because I wanted to get my access but that didn't end up happening because I had a deadline to stick to. I was to reperform a file for another sector and get my doubts cleared today itself because my trainer was going to be busy with month end activities starting from next week.

I was struggling in the middle and couldn't even ask Tristan to solve my doubts cause he was busy with that Skype call.

I decided to continue with a fresh mind after lunch. Today's lunch time was quite good! We spoke quite a bit and it wasn't just about work. We spoke about drinking and going out as well. I guess the conversation was flowing quite well that we decided to take a walk as well. I normally don't like these walks but today's was nice! We walked outside for a change and it was much better. We spoke about gymming/weight gain and loss among other things.

After coming back to..... oh wait, I forgot to mention this. We're roomless for next 15 days so I'm currently working out of one of their sofas. Desk is definitely preferable tho. This is a bit uncomfortable. Anyways, I got back to my sofa and began working. After a long time, I got done with my file and got ready for my doubt solving session.

I had that at around 5:30 and got done in about half an hour. I was confused with one of my workings and my trainer told me that I'm correct!!!! Woohooo!!! I also corrected one of his mistakes so go meeee! Honestly, work would be a lot less stressful if I were to handle only this sector.

Tyson had left while I was on my Skype call so I did my work until Tristan was done with his job for the day. He had to go somewhere near my area and decided to come along with me by road instead of going by train.

Probably because of how much we three spoke during lunch today but I was actually able to hold up the conversation this time. Now that I think about it, I spoke quite a bit today, including the rickshaw ride.

I liked it but I think it'll be faster for him to go by train itself. I anyways like to travel alone so I'm cool.

Dad has been actively thinking about the new house and I like seeing his enthusiasm. He was deciding on lighting so I joined him for a brief while as well. I love lights! I can't wait for Diwali to roll in!

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now