15 October, 2019.

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Today I finally got what I wanted ever since this we began with this Knowledge Transfer.

I was always envious of Preston cause his trainer was right in front of him and he didn't have to rely on shitty Skype sessions.

I desperately needed my trainer to be face to face so that I can better understand what the heck I'm supposed to be doing and if I understand my concepts correctly.

And she came today! We spent almost the entire day together, with me re- performing some Registers and asking her wherever I got stuck. This is exactly what I wanted. Sucks that she had to come here from another city just for me but my mental condition would've worsened if she hadn't come.

She did dump some new info on me at the last minute and I really hope that it takes a lot of time before I'm asked to make that working cause I understood nothing! And I was at a point where I just didn't want to understand anything new.

We even had lunch together and she hinted that she would be leaving her company soon and plans to move to our city.

I still definitely don't feel at the top of my game but it was much better than the past few days.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now