11 October, 2019.

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I feel like so I'm busy proving to others and myself that I'm a fast learner that I refrain from asking people to repeat themselves more than once even if I've not fully understood them.

Having said that, today was a good day. A much needed good day.

For the first half, the only thing I did was to organise my questions/doubts and recheck them to understand whether I'm able to explain my doubt properly. I've learnt that I need to be very specific with my questions in order to illicit the proper response.

In the second half of the day, I had that "doubt solving Skype call" with the client. Well, technically she is another service provider whose work we're taking over. And today I found out that we're actually taking over from yet another service provider. She's been out of all this since June! I got most of my doubts solved from her and I've indirectly managed to have a re-session with her. Hopefully that works out.

I finally conveyed a couple of concerns with Henry and asked for either him or Tristan to be there with me when I have my calls. None of them were available when I had one today and for the first time Henry apologised for making me go though this alone.

Tyson seems to be facing an issue similar to mine. Maybe he was more vocal about it or it's due to his relative comfort level with Henry but the manager tried to calm him down and said all the things I wish he had said to me all these days. Even if he didn't direct the words to me, I felt much more relieved after hearing him.

I've been stressing myself out by thinking that I need to be on top of things in order to not let the client know that I'm a noob, especially since I come from a top advisory firm. But today, Henry causually told one of the client's employees that this is all new to us.

Today I felt like I communicated much better with Henry. Today I felt like I understood atleast some part of what my work entails. Today I was able to joke around with my team for a bit. Today I was happy.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now