1 November, 2019.

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I decided to leave home early so that I could start my work early and hope to meet my deadline today.

After meeting Henry, who always seems to come early (whenever he does decide to come to the client's office), we located our officially booked room! What an upgrade man! We went from barely fitting 5 people to having a space for 10! Now that's the kind of treatment I was expecting!

I began with one sector and planned to get done within 2 hours. However, it unfortunately took me more than that. I had a difference in my reconciliation and it took a lot of time for us to figure it out. We ultimately had to call up our Banglore man and disturb him on his off day.

Apart from that one item, I think everything else should be correct.

We had a late lunch at around 3PM afterwhich I began with the other sector. I tried downloading the damn dumps for a good 6 times since I reached office and you have to wait for quite some time before the Registers get generated (and some more for it to be exported to an Excel sheet). I ultimately got it solved from my client but it had already been 5PM by the time I got all my necessary data. And this second sector was much bigger than the first. My client didn't show it but they probably wondered what the fuck I was doing for so long.

Out team shared a fair amount of jokes in the middle so that was nice. Tristan did well as always. I don't understand how he was able to handle all of the sectors. Kudos to him!

Did I mention that at a point, I learnt that I was given three sectors to handle? Turns out, the third sector is a mess and the client needs our help with reconciling 2 years worth data. Thank goodness Henry has taken that work off of me. I would've died. Apparently they're looking to bring in one more "resource" as they call it. I'm hoping it's a female who I can connect with! Not like I'm not enjoying with these guys. In fact I'm slowly but increasingly becoming comfortable with their company. But I also wouldn't mind a female companion too.

Having said that, I'm considering requesting Henry to let me continue working from the client office itself. I know I'll be missing the others and it will be hella lonely, but I need to look at my travel time as well. More so after listening to Tyson and Preston's stories.

Coming back to my work, we all knew that today would be a long day. We ordered some Mc Donald's for ourselves and continued with our work. It had started raining heavily by that time so we knew it would take time for our food to arrive.

Henry told Tyson and Preston to learn how to draft mails from me. Henry has never complimented me before! That felt so nice! And it was like a re-assurance to all of my previous formal literary experience.

I had a few difficulties during this sector's working, the main one coming towards the end when 2000 items did not reconcile. My heart legit dropped at that point. You work hard for so long, you're nearing the end but still end up being far away.

For some reason my pivot sheet had more items than the data present and even in that stressful situation I was so fucking amused! Henry and I spent a good half an hour trying to figure out what kind of fucking error had happened but we couldn't find any.

Ultimately I found a way out and guess what, those 2000 items have come down to 4!!!!! Yassss now that's what I'm talking about!!

By the time I got around to this, it was already past 10PM. We decided to take a leave for the day and whoever could would continue tomorrow. Tristan offered to drop me back home cause it was late, even if when my place is farther/futher than his.

I didn't want to inconvenience him but the rickshaw guy only agreed to take me to my area when he was asked to come back to Tristan's. I actually did enjoy the ride tho. I'm able to talk more freely with him when the other's aren't around. However, it does feel like I share much more about myself than him. Not sure if that makes me look too forthcoming or not.

Anyways, overall it was a tough day but I guess for the first time in forever I enjoyed being in those tough situations (and getting out of them) and wasn't as overtly stressed out as I thought I would be.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now