20 November, 2019.

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It was a tough day today.

Even though I spent the whole day understanding that Reco, it was as good as doing nothing.

I wasn't able to solve it even after coming back home.

Honestly, I wanted to get it done before Tristan left but then other sectors also needed his help so I decided to try doing it on my own. Bad decision.

I was stressed the entire day. At one point, I got a little help from the one who used to do this work before me but things were still far from complete.

Ultimately my manager helped me and after a really long time, we managed to get one of the balances to zero.

I had made a lot of conceptual errors that I don't think I still fully understand. It sucks!

I came back home late and very dejected. Cried a little too. And now my head is hurting. Alex has suggested I sleep early today so I guess I'll do that.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now