21 November, 2019.

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Dad has praised my dedication towards my work a couple of times now but a few days ago, he said that I'm doing a good job.

Now I don't know if it was my self-critical behaviour coming out or I was just not feeling good at the time but I asked him how he came to this conclusion because putting in more than necessary hours doesn't always equate to doing good work.

At the time, he had just asked me to keep in mind that he had years of experience but I still wasn't satisfied.

Today, on our way to work, he told me that when he compares me to the graduates he has come across, he can see that I've picked up the work faster than most of them. He made sure to tell me that he doesn't let any bias come in the middle when he assesses these things.

I don't think I'm explaining this properly but I did feel nice when he said that. The only problem is that I personally still feel like I have a long way to go to understand everything.

For example today, even though my Manager had helped me solve one of the reconciliations, I was still not able to decipher the others and got hella flustered when my client supervisor told me that my completely reconciled balance is wrong.

I wasn't able to figure anything out and we ultimately had to go back to my manager. I still don't understand if things are supposed to be added or subtracted and why. It's so annoying! It's probably annoying for my supervisors as well cause I'm supposed to be solving this, not them.

Anyways, we had another major fucking problem today. So... I don't know to explain this without revealing some things.

So what has happened is that last month, my client hired two services from my company. One of them is my team while the other is the Tax Team. Both the teams need to co-ordinate for the work that we're doing.

Now we were asked to take over all the activities that the previous team(s) used to undertake. Ideally, that should've been the case with the Tax Team as well.

As per this arrangement, the Tax Team was supposed to send us a huge chunk of data on basis of which we would be able to do one part of our work...

You can see where I'm heading right?

The Tax Team manager outright told my manger that they won't be sending us any of that data, effectively leaving us in a fucking huge mess.

I didn't let myself realise the weight of this pressure at the time cause I was already preoccupied with the Reco.

Good for us, things seem to be a little back on track. Our manager told us that we'll recieve the required data from the Tax Team. Hopefully they'll do it and do it fast. Cause the month end activities are here and we need to get it things done at a quicker rate this time.

I came home early today and it felt so good! I planned on giving a mock but that didn't happen.

After dinner, Alex and I removed and wound up the Diwali lights. The festivals are officially over. Well, I mean you have Christmas but we don't really celebrate it.

Anyways, nowadays my To Do lists keep increasing and I don't feel like I have sufficient time to do things.

Arhhhhh please change pleaseee!

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now