7 October, 2019.

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Today was a much better office day.

Henry wasn't there at office today and I managed to postpone my Skype call session. Thank lord for that cause I just COULD NOT handle any more of these.

One of my client's employees happily greets me/greeted me. That's a first. I was beginning to think people in this office only scowl at outsiders.

I spent the entire day working on re-creating one of the Registers, based on the training and notes given. I don't know how much time my trainer takes to complete this but boy I'm going to be taking a lot of time.

Sector C's trainer wouldn't let Preston and Tristan leave! We waited will 6:45PM and then left for home

My new phone arrived today! But my parents want me to open it tomorrow cause tomorrow's Dussehra and it's considered as an auspicious day in my religion.

Blue day

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now