11 September, 2019.

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I did cardio at gym today. And I tried out the other cycle machine. It's so much better than the one I've been using. Oh, and I did a couple of multiplications while on the treadmill.

Just as I reached my locker post gymming, I got a call from the company I recently interviewed at and the HR told me that I've been selected for the final interview. WHAT? Did they even check my paper?! Unfortunately, the interview is at that same place.

After coming back home and taking a bath, I started with number systems. I took a timed pre-test and did bad. Really bad. After continuing with studies, I moved on to revise Accounting concepts for tomorrow's interview. I can't believe I'm not able to remember even the basics. Accounts is my strength. I've done it for 5 years and I still mess up the basics and yet don't understand the systems well enough. What's the point in scoring so high in the exams if I'm not able to justify them later on? I say that I like to understand the concepts instead of mugging up the formula but what's the point if I forget those concepts in the first place?!

I'm struggling with Math because I have lost touch with the subject entirely. But Accounts? I'm disappointed in myself.

In the evening, Alex and I tried out the jjajang flavoured ramen (I think they call it Jjajangmyeon?). It was really nice.

Then I got ready to go to a relative's place for Ganapati. They keep their idol for about 10 days so we get a chance to go to theirs at liberty. The grandmom is the same person who I helped during a recent baby shower. She praised me a lot for helping her out that day. Felt nice.

The son of the house always plans quiz games for Ganpati visitors and we played one today as well. I normally don't do well in these but today was worse. I didn't get any of the bloody answers.

Now I'm not good at Math, not good at Accounts, not good at GK and let's not forget how pathetic my RC attempts were last night.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now