26 October, 2019.

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I had a sorted work from home set up today.

Grand-dad came to visit in the evening.

To get into the Diwali spirit, I made rangoli and lit a couple of diyas. I'll properly light all of them tomorrow.

Oh, guess what happened today. CA 2 finally confessed that he likes me. He probably cooked up this whole story about his hometown friend coming to town and wanting to have a "temporary relationship" with him to "get rid of the work stress" and wanted me to give my opinion on it. I decided to play along and gave him my honest opinion as if the entire story was true.

Only a couple of mins later, he tells me that he kinda has feelings for me. Honestly, I saw this coming. He saw my reaction coming too. Sorry, typo. Rejection*

I'm a bad person. Haha.


But seriously, I've never had a boyfriend before and I may or may not be ready to have a relationship right now but I just can't see myself with him. It's just way too soon.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now