9 August, 2020.

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Why not him?
-> You both rarely talk about things other than work
-> He treated you as an unwanted kid/burden in front of someone else
-> He preferred spending time with someone else and seems to prefer talking to someone else over you
-> You are never his priority, work or otherwise
-> He doesn't seem to care much about feelings
-> He doesn't show any sort of affection towards you
-> You can't hold a conversation with him
-> He hasn't tried to get to know you as much as you have. Even then he hasn't revealed much
-> You don't know a lot about him
-> The way he behaves with you is the same way he behaves with others. Nothing to indicate even slightly that he might be a tad bit interested
-> You've spoken about his other pairgs and he seems interested there
-> Are you waiting for him to outright tell you to back off?!

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