5 October, 2019.

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So the Navratri plan ended up getting cancelled due to an emergency in one of the families. An anti-climatic end but I'm happy that this is not a topic of discussion anymore.

I spent my entire day reading up about the general subject of my work and got my doubts solved from dad.

Plan of action:-
-> Read all related chapters from the text book

-> Read Client overview (especially the sectors I'll be handling)

-> Register 1 - Read the process doc and go through other relevant docs. Note questions and get them solved from dad

-> Register 2 - Check for mail. If not, make process doc using notes and other docs. Note questions. Get them solved from dad

-> Working 1 - Same as Register 2

-> Working 2 - Same as Register 2

-> Working 3 - Same as Register 2

-> Working 4 - Get concept confirmed from dad

-> Working 5 - Get concept confirmed from dad


What I want to do is complete this theory part ASAP and then start going through every document sent and everything I've noted.

It's Paul's birthday today. He had invited me to his birthday ringing in house party but I wasn't allowed to go for it.

I called him up today and he was drunk. He hasn't been replying to my messages nor calls and we haven't been in touch for a long time. But even then, I want to still give it a try and connect with him.

I did my monthly budgeting today and in the evening, we went for our yearly visit to this Devi temple(?). The place was hella crowded as usual.

After that we went to a restaurant! Yes, my treat is finally here! I decided to take them to that Chinese option I was considering a few days ago.

We were put on a 20 min waiting list so we took the opportunity to walk around and explore the area. Cause even if we've passed the place too many times, it's been a really long time since we've actually walked and thoroughly checked the area out.

The area is a popular street shopping place so mom and I checked out some bags for a while. Dude! I haven't gone street shopping in so long I forgot you so get some nice looking pieces there! We didn't buy anything today but I'll try going there once and getting myself a bag or two.

We came back to the restaurant and were led to our table. The restaurant was narrow yet not too cramped. I liked the ambience. It would've been better if our table wasn't placed right next to the kitchen tho.

Anyways, we got ourselves some Lemon Coriander Soup, Stir Fried Bak Choi, Chicken Sizzlet, Chicken Sui Mui Dumplings, Tangra Chicken gravy and rice. The portions could be better but the food was really nice! The bill came up to 2.5K even after using two Zomato Golds. Wow. But I'm glad that I was able to treat my family. Feels like an achievement.

Dad was still a bit hungry so we went to KFC. Their service is becoming very bad nowadays. We didn't end up getting anything from there.

We ended up going to the shawarma guy and parceled a biryani and tandoor leg for dad.

Yellow day.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now