24 October, 2019.

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Today was... well interesting I guess.

I mean it was both good and bad.

So today we had a Diwali celebration at Office L so Preston, Tyson and I decided to dress up, go to our client's office, work and then head for the celebration.

I obviously wanted to dress differently because of the celebration but not too much cause that would bring some unnecessary attention at the client's office. So I decided to wear my Indo-western outfit. Black leggings, red tank top and a simple but traditional looking cardigan. I think was the perfect look. I even got dad's approval! Yay!

We again had a room to ourselves so that felt nice. Things were going smoothly until the second half of the day.

As I may or may not have said before, we decided to come to the client's office first because there was work in one of the other sectors. But turns out, my sector had one upped everyone.

Our deliverables were supposed to start from 1st Nov but I unexpectedly got an Email listing out multiple deliverables due before that! And the first one was today!

It set my entire mindset off. I panicked hard. Today's deliverable was not something my trainer had explained before... dafaq man?! My supervisor (the one who gave me this butt load of work) explained stuff to Tristan and I. It seemed pretty normal to her but it was total Greek and Latin to me.

Tristan and I managed to put up something on the spreadsheet and just sent it to the concerned person. I have absolutely no idea if what we did was correct or not. This was totally not going as planned. I worked so hard on the stuff that my trainer taught me just so that I could submit my first deliverable with ease and confidence. I was definitely not confident with what I submitted.

Besides, what fucked me up more was that we had planned to leave office by 4PM so that we could reach the party on time (the two offices are a good 11 stations apart) but here I was, well past 6PM, trying to get done with this shit and leave.

I asked Preston and Tyson to leave before me cause it would've been unfair to them but they decided to stay back for me. Sweet people. We only got to leave after 6:45PM tho which sucked. The party was supposed to start at 7.

As if we weren't already getting late, we couldn't get ourselves a dang rickshaw for the longest time! Apparently the road to the station was heavily congested and no one was ready to take us through that route. We legit had to walk halfway before we got ourselves a ride. Wow, talk about being unlucky.

We reached Office L by 8:15PM and entered the party venue...... our office canteen......


Yes, the frickin' canteen. My company is one of the best ones out there in it's field and they let their employees throw parties only in their canteen. I heard they used to hold these Diwali parties at restaurants but now they seem to be practising some "budget cut" techniques. How sad. But honestly, the only reason I went for this party was to meet the others.

Anyways, the "party" had already begun by the time we walked in and as customary reaction to any latecomer, all eyes were on us. And oh, the embarassment didn't stop there. The three of us had to come up in front of the crowd, introduce ourselves and "show some talent" to the audience. NOOOOOO I HATE THIS TRADITION FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.

Preston and Tyson went ahead and did each other dirty, much to the amusement of the crowd. Tyson even forced Preston to perform a mimicry act. I feel sorry for you boi.

I decided to just introduce myself and leave but nope. They wanted me to sing. And the front runner was none other than my manager, that smug little man who didn't turn up to the client's office because "he felt a little sick". I've just come in and now I have to sing to a room full of unknown people?! Ughhh!

I sang 7 Years with a terribly shaky voice. Did not like that at all.

After that I tried to meet and have a word with everyone!!! I missed them so much it's crazyy! It felt so nice seeing them! I didn't get to click a picture with all of them so that sucked.

As poor as the venue choice was, the food was great. We had a full Pan-Asian buffet for us to explore and I loved it.

CA 1 and CA 2 were still at office (but not a part of the celebration cause this was a department one) so I met them too. CA 1 actually came up to the canteen and we both spoke while we went to their work floor, which is also where I met CA 2.

CA 2 said he was about to leave for home and asked if I'd like to travel together. I had already made travel plans with another friend and I couldn't ditch her so we decided to all travel together.

The first dilemma we had was what mode of transportation we should take and how they were doing to drop me off, cause we found out that these two stay nearby and totally not in the same direction as me. At one point I swear I thought they'd leave me alone. That would've been hilarious.

We had a good (train) ride back home, spoke quite a bit. My friend probably thinks there's something going on between CA 2 and me but eh, I'm just having fun and enjoying the moment. :P

A terrible beginning but a good end. I enjoyed the latter half of today's day and now it's time to worry about tomorrow's first half.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now