13 October, 2019.

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I again spent most of my day doing office work. It was time consuming but necessary for me.

I was home alone for the first half of the day. Alex had gone for his TOEFL exam while mom and dad had gone to attend a Study abroad seminar (for Alex). I was alone for lunch so I decided to order myself a side dish of my choice. I ended up ordering 6 peices of oyster sauce based momos. They were quite delicious even if they were small in size.

Alex's exam went okay according to him. He was aiming for really high scores and I have a feeling that he has scored quite well, even if it isn't completely up to his standards.

After all of them came back home, I heard Alex and dad argue. I was shocked to see Alex break down the way he did. I never knew that he was so frustrated and at times felt helpless about his whole Master's situation.

Alex asked me to leave when I entered the room. I'm definitely much more emotionally unstable than he is. There have been quite a few times where I've lost control of my emotions and cried hard in from of him. He's calmed me down all those times. Which is why he doesn't want me to see him when he himself is in such a low state. Especially not when I myself am having a down time.

To be honest, I don't really feel bad that Alex won't tell me all his lowest points because I know I'm not good at consoling/comforting people. And I know that I won't be able to handle seeing him when he is in that state of mind.

Thank you Alex. And I'm sorry.

In the evening, grandad came to visit. Mom, dad and grandad were leaving for the yearly exhibition/fair that takes places in our area. Dad asked if I'd like to accompany as well. I refused in the beginning but decided that I really need to get out of the house and do something other than work. So I quickly got ready and we all left.

There were a variety of stalls at the exhibition, as always. On the "ground" floor there were stalls selling, music systems, kitcken utensils, hand made items, plants, eco friendly items, bags, shoes, accesories, paintings, showpieces, furniture, massagers, scents, sweets, papads, pickles, juices, etc. I especially loved the cups stall. There were so many interesting looking cups hanging from everywhere. It looked really nice!

The upper floors were filled with clothes and jewellery. We spent quite some time there. Even though I didn't buy anything for myself, grandad ended up buying a belt and a pair of shorts for himself. Mom and dad also bought some shorts for dad and Alex. It's a yearly tradition at this point.

This small outing was a very nice and a much needed change.

Yellow day.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now