13 September, 2019.

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I woke up late but still went to the gym so go me! I only did cardio cause I didn't have time to spare. I decided not walk back home cause I needed to look for a tiara for Hannah. Then I got a call from the Consultancy Firm's HR. Considering how shit the interview went, I was surprised that she called me in the first place. But even then, I thought she was calling me to fix another interview.

But no! She called to offer me the position! I got the fucking job! WHAT?! WHAT?!!! Instead of feeling happy, I panicked. I had given up hopes on this job because of yesterday's interview so my mind was actually set on the Bank offer that I had seemingly received. I was yet to hear from that Bank and didn't want my Consultancy Firm's candidature to progress before that.

I asked the HR to give me sometime to get back to her. I guess she wasn't expecting such a reaction. After a bit of bargain, I managed to buy time till the evening. The main reason why she couldn't give me more time was because the job is supposed to begin from Monday onwards. That soon!

I quickly came home without getting the tiara. I was so fucking stressed and confused at this point. I finally got in touch with the Bank hirer and he told me that I'm currently on the waiting list. And I'll get to know if they have a vacancy only after a week.

This definitely did not make things easy. If at all, it made my decision making process even more tough.

I tired to weigh my options in the following way.

Consultancy Firm Plus Points:-

-> It's one of the top Consultancy firms in the world which could mean a good work culture. The office environment also seemed nice. Besides, I've heard that this firm is a good place to start your career at.

-> I've only been seeing sales profiles everywhere (which is something I definitely don't want to do) and this is not one of them.

-> Accounting is one of the areas I wanted to delve into. Even if I'm too late to purse a CA certification, I could still learn the practical side of Accounting.

-> The firm is giving me a confirmed offer. I have the job in hand and they're waiting for me instead of the other way round. This is my closest chance of being employed after so many months of... nothing.

Consultancy Firm Minus Points -

-> TRAVEL. TIME. This is the main issue and everything else is linked to this. The work place is in another city and I will essentially be spending 4 hours everyday just in travel. This in general could get too hectic/tiring for me. I could have time issues if I don't get to the catch the correct trains. That would create problems both at work and at home.

-> I still plan on giving my entrances and I will not have any time to study if I take up this offer. I will not have time to make plans with my friends and attend any family events happening on the weekdays.

-> The rushed way in which I'm being hired looks very suspicious to me. Both my interviews didn't go well at all so I'm confused as to what made them select me in the first place.

-> The area where the office is situated is kinda secluded, despite being near the national highway, so safety issues exist.

-> The JD does sound monotonous but I already knew I'd mostly get such kinds of jobs with my current qualifications.

Bank Plus Points:-

-> It's one of the top banks in India and is positively recognised around the world. Again, it promises a good work culture.

-> The profile is of a Management Trainee which could be very relevant for my MBA plans. The JD doesn't mention sales work. Instead, it plays on my content experience.

-> The office is located in my city. In fact it's just a station ahead of my degree college and is at a walkable distance from the station. This is a clear winner in terms of traveling time (or just traveling in general).

-> My dad is biased towards the Bank offer. He has noticed the way the Bank has grown over the years and seems to be very fond of the culture there.

Bank Minus Points:-

-> The biggest negative point of this offer is that this bank has kept me hanging for a total of more than two months now. I had applied for this job in mid July and had my interview processes towards end of July/beginning of August. This is also where I was presumably rejected. A whole month after that, I get an offer call but no follow up thereafter. And now I learn that I'm on a waiting list.

-> They've asked me to call back in a week. Given the current status of my candidature, they might ultimately end up not offering me the job and I stand at a chance of losing two good opportunities. I'm not sure if I'm ready to take that risk.

-> The JD leans heavily towards content and I'm actually trying to get away from it now. I have a feeling that there's some kind sales-like activity that will included in the scope of work, even if it wasn't discussed in the interviews.

-> From the few times I've been there, the work environment has seemed pretty hostile. I did not feel very comfortable being at that place but impressions can change.

I decided to blow some heat and go buy that tiara first. I've passed by the party store almost everyday and today's the first time I entered it. It's a nice place. If I ever start going to parties or even hosting one, I know where to get my supplies from.

After coming back home, I had a really long discussion with my parents regarding the two job offers.

So here's the decision.

My first ever job will be at the Consultancy Firm.

It took me a lot of time to accept that fact.

This is definitely not the feeling I wanted to have when I bag my first job but it is what it is now.

Congratulations me! Congrats on finally getting a job! :)

IZ*ONE's third Japanese single Vampire is out!

This is the first Japanese song from IZ*ONE that I've liked right from the first listen (even if it's not a popular opinion). Maybe I'm adapting to the JPop style of music. The setting and outfits were dark (and beautiful) but the song itself was lively and I unexpectedly liked it.

I was pleasantly surprised to Yena get the opening move since Sakura was the centre for this song. Nice! I especially loved all of Sakura and Chaewon's scenes! The latter's make up and expressions were on point!

What a great comeback!

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now