26 September, 2019.

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Dad dropped me to office today! Yay! It is a slight detour for him but he doesn't mind.

Even if I came on time, the others were late. The client included. We were taken to another floor but in a similar looking room.

We had yet another sector explanation today but the lady who explained was much better than the ones who came yesterday. She seemed very involved in her job and it felt nice to see her explain the way she did.

I visited the floor coffee/snacks area and drank soup. I mean literally drank soup out of a cup. It felt weird but guess I'll have to get used to it.

I tried to mingle with the other 2 guys (who have the same post as me) but bro, I don't think I can go beyond a certain limit. They speak in Sindhi most of the time and keep on having these inside jokes (cause they're school friends) that it doesn't make a difference if I talk to them or not. Besides, I have a feeling they'll take me a bit too lightly if I get more friendly with them.

And before you go around saying that I need to adjust to circumstances and all of that, let me tell you that I am. The "old me" - if I can call it that - wouldn't have uttered a word to them had they not started a conversation.

Having said that, this is exactly what I thought would happen once I start working. I had a feeling that I will be alone at the work place, just do my work sincerely and come back home. But because of the very social first week that I had, the absence of such company is proving to be more difficult to cope up with than it ideally should.

The three of us left office together by 6. I took the train followed by a rick and came back home.

After coming back home, dad helped me make sense of a couple of files that the client had forwarded. Thank youu!

I need to get hold of these things now:
-> Tax Text Book
-> Excel shortcuts and usage
-> Excel files

Let's geddit.

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