17 November, 2019.

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Today I reviewed the rest of my mock and studied for most part of the day.

Scarlett and grandad came over in the evening so that was nice. I hadn't seen Scarlett in months so it felt so good to see her!

We spoke quite a bit, showed her our new house and spoke some more. At one point dad went out to get some snacks while mom went to get ready for her dinner plan.

Grandad was around but was half asleep so Scarlett took that as an opportunity to ask me about CA 2's situation. I truthfully told her about the Diwali incident and my opinion about this entire situation.

Unfortunately, I didn't get around to telling her about Tristan. Over another phone call maybe?

She didn't stay for dinner cause she didn't want to disturb my studies. Not bad but not-so-good thing.

While they were leaving, the two of us had an interesting conversation that went something like

Scarlett: We cousins should really try to get together and go for a trip.

Me: Totally! I really want some plan to work.

Scarlett: Yeah... and maybe Stella could get her +1 and I could manage to get my +1

Me: What are you saying?

Scarlett: I mean if I could manage to get a +1 at that point.

Me: Oh, okay.
Scarlett: Or I could just get my current one.


Dammit, why did she have to do this right when she was about to leave. She even signalled me to not tell my parents.

Even though my parents know it, I don't know think I'll tell them that Scarlett told me about it. Good for her man!

Dad and I were the only ones for dinner tonight. We got talking about insurance, my future study plans and the conversation went towards mom. Dad let out a few things that he kept to himself and I let him.

Out of everything he said, the one thing I agree to is that mom should really stop treating us like kids now. I get the whole "you'll always remain a child to me" thing but she really needs to chill with basing all our lives entirely around exams.

Dad probably wanted to bring something else out but this is personally what Alex and I feel.

Coming back to my reality, I have my first ever competitive exam since I left school and I'm so not prepared for it. I've given up at this point. This is so out of character but inevitable. I'm not feeling too bad about it but there is definitely some percentage of regret, I won't lie.

But let's sleep and just let tomorrow's day unfold.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now