22 November, 2019.

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T'was a horrible day.

Today morning, I tried to figure out all my accesses and learnt that I had to raise another request for one of them.

After that there was a call to discuss the reconciliation that we've been stuck on and it STILL hasn't gotten resolved.

Post lunch, we had a huge ass meeting with the Tax Team and bro, it did not go in our favour at all. First of all, the Tax Team is full of experienced people in the sense that even if they haven't handled this client before, they've done something similar with other clients. What I mean to say is that they're more or less on top of things regarding their main work.

We on the other hand are still figuring things out. Each of us don't fully understand our own sector's nitty gritties, let alone knowing an ounce of the others'. Keeping that in mind, ideally our entire team should've been present for this meeting but nope.

Preston handles the biggest and the most important sector but had taken a day off because of his health. Most importantly, Tristan, someone who knows the most out of our entire team, has gone on a leave. So the odds were against our favour right from the beginning.

The Tax Team Director had also come for this meeting and the man was slightly agressive. He shot things one after the other and we weren't able to do anything about it. At multiple points he also implied that the work we do is very less. It does sound less on paper but in practicality it's quite a bit. And because I know that each person thinks that the other person does lesser work than them, I didn't take it as personally as I usually would've.

There was some conclusion but I'm still worried that it's not going to be good for us. I went for another one on one call for understanding the reconciliation of another sector. And that entire process is related to the info that the "Tax Team shared with us". Buddy, the Tax Team isn't sharing shit. I don't know what to do man!

When I came back to our room after my call, the Tax Team was still there and it was decided that we'd have dinner at office itself. So it's the third time in around 2 months. Life's great man.

Okay, something that I failed to mention was that along with the Tax Team, the Director also had sufficient amount of knowledge of the company and the work that the Tax Team has to do. But in our case, even if Henry is quite knowledgeable, he doesn't know all the work that we're supposed to do either. At times, we know more than he does. So there were some moments during our meeting where Henry confirmed things with us/ we were able to answer the Tax Director's questions when Henry couldn't.

I don't know if I made a good impression or not but after coming back from my meeting, my dialogue with the Director became slightly casual, especially when we were ordering food. Honestly, I forgot that he was at a really high position in the company. Hopefully I didn't cross any line.

It was around 10PM when we decided to call it a day. I guess the Tax Team travels together and my area comes in the general direction of their residences so the Tax Director offered to drop me somewhere close to my place along their way.

The situation was quite ironic knowing that we were at loggerheads one day ago (and most probably still are). But it wasn't that awkward. I'm pretty sure they must've had a good bitching session after I left but that's not something I can control.

Anyways, I asked them to drop me at the highway and I found my way back home. The route wasn't the safest but I mean, you gotta take some risks in life.

I'm honestly at a loss of words with how my life is looking right now. I compromised on my studies so I could completely focus on my work and prove that I'm a good hire. So my studies have 100% gone down the drain as of now.

My decision to prioritise work/studies effectively led to an extinction of my social life. Wow, can I BE more dramatic.

Anyways, it all seems worthless cause things are definitely going downhill at work as well.

And you know what? I know that this will happen at multiple points from now on. I am the only one who can pick myself up, believe that I still have the ability to understand and solve these issues. I know I am capable of doing that.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now