16 September, 2020.

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Happy 1st Work Anniversary to me!

I have no qualms in admitting that the first year of work ex has been quite successful for me. I started out in this huge company as a diligent fresher with no idea of what lay in front of me. Even after I got hired, I wasn't exactly sure what my job would entail. Ofcourse, I had severe doubts about whether I'd be able to do well in this new phase of my life.

This doubt turned into worry when I got plotted into an assignment where, along with no practical experience, I had zero theoretical knowledge too. The first few months were difficult. As a team we failed to deliver and I personally took it too hard on myself.

However, even with so many problems, I don't remember giving up. And that's a huge change for me. My entire team worked even harder if it was possible and after a while we got a hang of things. Having had the least help from my supervisors, I had an added responsibility to be able to fully understand and do things on my own. I'm glad that I was able to do just that.

With each passing month, my understanding of concepts became clearer and I was able to grasp things much faster. It was a tremendous improvement from the 2019 beginnings.

As I've mentioned before, I'm a client facing employee who wasn't hired to do so. Due to the nature of this project in relation to my position in my firm, my department supervisors did not know how things were exactly going on this engagement. Sure, they had a brief idea of what the engagement was and how good or not-so-good things were going but there was no communication between us to let them know just how much the team had improved over the months.

This is why my team got overlooked during the first few "recognition" phases if I can call it that. I won't lie, I did feel wronged.

However, as the management at my department got developed and they started streamlining things to try and get things standardized, my engagement got noticed too.

A bigger reason for this is that post Mar'20, our client started recognising our improvement and expressed their satisfaction to my Partner and Manager. These two then made it a point to let the others in the organisation know about the turnaround we've had, which ultimately reached my contractual part of the organisation too.

Work-wise, things have been on a upper trajectory ever since. Almost my entire team got awards from the firm and quite a few appreciation emails from the top guys as well as from the client's end.

I personally have been tremendously recognised and although it overwhelms me at times (kicks my imposter syndrome to max on some days), I am proud of what I've achieved in my first ever stint as an employee. More so, I'm happy that I've given my family so many chances for being proud of me.

I whole heartedly appreciate the ones who have recognised my efforts and complimented me, believed in my worth and decided to nominate me for the awards. Thank you so much!

I want to make a note of all instances of recognition I've recieved so here we go :-

28 February, 2020

Email from my main Client POC :

This is Fantastic Data! I would like you to come along with me to present this to our Business Partners.

20 April, 2020

Email from my main client POC to Manager :

Hi Henry,

Really wanted to appreciate compiled by (me) below for Sector P.

We could pull out one year's of disallowance trends and submit them in brackets with e.g. and significant line items with examples, to the BUF with action to stop leakages.

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