19 May, 2020.

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Today was an amazing day!

Our second client review meet was scheduled today and I was really nervous about what reviews we might get this time around.

This is because our last review meeting held in Jan'20 was super negative. I wasn't allowed in the meeting but according to Henry and Tristan, we were lucky to be given another chance. The client was not happy with how we were unable to meet the deliverable timeless and had display sub par performance. They did acknowledge that this might have been because we mostly had graduates on the team. But even if they understand, they did want another CA for things to work.

And upside for me is that this request for change in team member wasn't asked for my sectors. However, my client supervisors did complain that I wasn't proactively trying to resolve issues. Specifically for Dec data, they pointed out that I almost missed out on included crores worth of data and let the pending points accumulate without put any efforts to find a solution for it.

Though I have my own counter-arguments to these claims, I'll hold on to them. In any case, not all their complains were wrong so I did my best to work on them post the meeting.

Guess all of those efforts paid off.

Henry and Tristan don't really know the details surrounding my sectors or the work that I do so they were in no position to defend me during our last meeting. Which is why I requested and got permission to be a part of this meeting. A feedback on the sectors that I handle is directly a feedback towards me and I wanted to be there to clarify any misunderstandings that would've come up like the last meeting.

To be honest, I was a little scared about this meeting because even though I had worked hard to not give them a chance to complain, there was a heavy interest that was wrongly paid due to a miscommunication. Besides, I hadn't really thought they'd have much complaints in the first meeting so anything could happen, eh?


Everything went opposite!

After a bit of small talk, we got straight to the point and boy did they shower us with compliments.

Seems like every sector was happy with whoever was handling it from our team.

Feedback from Sector P's Representative (J):-
-> I made a really good and in depth analysis of the Disallowance that helped the sector save 18L of future loss.

-> I presented it nicely to the BUF and they appreciated my work too.


Feedback from Sector V's Representative (P):-
-> I have all my concepts cleared
-> I followed up on Open Items where now we're at a position to have no Reco Items
-> Overall been of help


That's wonderful! It feels great to hear from the client itself that I'm doing a good job and they appreciate my work. And that too in front of my superiors, letting them know that I've been successful in doing my job.

After this meeting, I even got a call from my Partner and he personally congratulated me!!! Apparently he wants to nominate us for best team award? Not sure if that's going to happen but he sent a mail to everyone and seemingly wants to celebrate. Free food round 2?

Later on I had a call with Sector P's peeps and finally got around to get some long standing Open Items moving!

In another major news, our manager is changing! Woah, this was a totally unexpected move. Henry wasn't involved in our work but he was pretty lenient with us. Even though we didn't take advantage of his nature, it was good to have a manager who didn't pressurize us like what I've heard from other people in the organisation.

Come to think of it, he's never once yelled at us/ abused us/ made us feel absolutely useless. Damn, I don't want a new manager.

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