21 September, 2019.

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I woke up quite late today. Even if I don't do any "work" at office yet, it still felt nice to have the day off.

I helped mom with some kitchen work after quite a long time. I scraped 2 coconuts. Post that I filed some physical docs as well as organised some on my laptop.

This CA 2 is being a tad bit annoying now. I hope it's not because I didn't agree to go for coffee.

In the afternoon, I got ready to go to the mall. I was desperately in need of some shoes and wanted to buy some clothes too. Mom and dad accompanied me today. I don't know when am I going to learn to shop alone.

Anyways, we went to the mall and shopped for hours. I bought 3 pairs of pants, one blue straight fit, one black slightly wide leg and one black flared leg. I don't know where I'm going to wear that last one. But it looks good on me. I also bought a plain collared top and a kurti.

Unfortunately, we didn't buy any shoes.

After shopping, we ate momos, chicken popcorn, burger and wings and left for home after getting a few items from Nature's Basket

I had major YouTube session after so long! But boy I need to STUDYYYYYYY!

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now