29 June, 2020.

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It's Spencer's 4th birthday today! Happy Birthday little one!

I don't really know how my day went.

I woke up at my regular time, did my morning chores and got to work. One hour in, my Outlook inbox got messed up and I spent an annoyingly long time trying to get it back to the way it was. I failed tho. This new display just hurts my brains.

Along the course of the day, I sorta got included, then removed then again got included into a massive E-invoicing process that my client has undertaking. As usual, I don't know how much I should be involved and asking Tristan about it also doesn't seem like it would solve much.

Let's talk about Tristan for a minute. I think he does have an idea of what pushed me to be independent in my work. After a point, I was sort of cast aside with no help and had no choice but to figure stuff on my own. No, he never outright told me that he won't help me. It's because he would say that he will but never really got around to it until it was too late. Not really sure if he used to ignore me or genuinely used to forget to get back but it's a little sad that I've gotten used to it.

These mannerisms still irk me at times tho cause I do require his help sometimes. I sort of see this pattern happening again, this time with Ursa. There have been quite a few times in this work from home era - more frequent recently - where she has told me that Tristan has been MIA for a while. He tells her that he'll help her with whatever she's stuck in but takes a LOT of time to get back.

Honestly, even I'm wondering what's keeping him this busy. I know for sure that it's not my Sectors. Is Sector C taking this much of his time that he has no time for any other Sector? Unless Tristan is knowingly trying the tactic that unintentionally drove me away, I'm pretty sure that Ursa will get some attention back. This is because her Sector's head is the main one and Tristan won't ignore him for sure. So it'll be well, for her at least.

I have low-key (and reluctantly) made peace with my situation, partly due to my own impatience and unwillingness to be stalled for that long.

Continuing with the happenings of my day, I got pissed at one of my co-workers who is part of another team. He was supposed to send me some files that were/are critical to my current quarter end submissions. I had reminded him last week as well but I still didn't get them. I have only 2 days to complete this working until I have to dive back into the first week submissions and things weren't going according to my plan because this guy failed to give me the required material.

I let the entire day pass by and gave him a bit of an earful in the evening. He had it coming tho. He's in a very important department and even though it's unfortunate that he gets burdened with a lot of things, I can only empathise till a certain point. If something threatens to affect my work and deadlines, I'm not going to keep feeling sorry and let him get away with it.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now