20 June, 2020.

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Today was a happy day.

Yesterday we had that big meeting for GSTR2A Unmatched items where the main client head explained our findings to various stakeholders. I mean, there were loads of people in that meeting, including multiple heads - who I was told were only to be contacted in case of serious escalations.

I had my doubts regarding this meeting but I guess because we had a well drafted summary of our findings, there was a good discussion on how to solve some of them.

After the meeting, Ursa, Tristan and I discussed the action points mentioned during the meeting and when Ursa sent them to the client head, she marked me as well. And I am so glad she did.

Cause today, I learnt that the client head wrote to our Partner praising our efforts and he also named me on the mail. Man has never spoken to me and before yesterday, he probably didn't know I even contributed to any of the findings. I am so happy that I did not get sidelined at this stage. Thank you client head, for mentioning my name too. :)

Our Partner seems pretty satisfied with this praise. It was probably an unexpected one for him cause I don't think he knew just how involved we were in this activity. And now we've received three good client feedback in a span of 3 months. Boy it would be disappointing if we didn't get that celebration he had mentioned earlier.

Thank you Alex. It was you who told me to speak about this with the other two. If it wasn't for your advice, I would've just asked Ursa to tell me what happened in the meetings and would have been left out of that mail. And both of us know how pissed I would've been had that happen.

This is also a lesson for me. I know that I've been unnecessarily stressing myself out and assuming the worst when it comes to being recognised. I'm going to have to let small things go while also having my own back. I have to respect my hardwork as well as the others'.

In another good news, today I stepped out of my building after 3 damn months! Yes, the Covid situation in Mumbai still seems pretty bad but I didn't realise how much I wanted to go outside until dad asked me if I did.

So we wore our masks and headed out to the market. Frankly, the lanes weren't as deserted as I thought they would be. I mean, there were quite a few shops that were shut but it wasn't that weird. I think it's because the 1st phase of "lockdown removal" has begun and a lot of people are starting to head out like me.

One thing that was different for sure was that everyone wore masks. I couldn't help but think about all those S.Korea vids I've seen.

We went to one of the grocery/pharmacy stores where you ask stuff at the counter and they get it for you. Normally there is no queue system. You just have to join the crowd and let yourself be heard. But today, they attended to only 4 customers at a time and the rest had to wait inside a marked spot until their turn came in. I was very amused by this. I had heard that shops had adopted this technique of self distancing but it was a lil difficult to believe as it didn't fall in place with India's habits, especially when it came to such stores.

We then headed to another store to buy some pav. It's the same store I used to go to buy my Kurkure from and oh my god I have never seen this place so out of stock! They had zero Lays/Kurkure and some other things. We didn't even get our bread.

We then headed back home after that short trip. I really hope the situation gets better in the coming days.

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