30 September, 2019.

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I reached office a little late due to traffic but unlike my expectation, my manager didn't say anything to me.

We weren't able to connect on Skype on time and thus missed our appointment. Dammit. But is this how these Skype meetings work? If one of the parties doesn't make it on time/ is a few minutes late, does the other party cancel the meeting altogether?

Anyways, I spent my time going through the PPTs that the client had sent. My manager had to leave mid-day due to a family emergency and I left office early cause I had some work at Office N, which is literally 15 mins away from my client's.

I had been to this office for my induction so everything was familiar but it still obviously felt very different. I met with the bank peeps, did my job and had to wait until I could go do my other work.

So here's the situation. The laptop given to us by our company automatically gets connected to the company WiFi when you're in office. But we're working from the client's office now and for some reason they don't have a guest WiFi. It's not fair for us to use our personal internet for official work so we applied to get data cards. Since the other two stay far and supervisor still had some work to do, I volunteered to pick them up for everyone.

I had to wait for around an hour so ate Maggie and tried to call someone who I could talk to. I knew Kristen and Venus would be busy. I tried calling Marissa, Mia, Paul, Emily and Paloma but none of them picked my call.

I finally went to the IT room and my god, what a bunch of rude people these are! They weren't ready to give me the data cards but quickly agreed as soon as I showed them the Partner's approval. Assholes.

And that also took so fucking long!!

Now I understand why people don't like the IT team. Talking nicely to them doesn't make a difference.

I finally got the data cards but they were in such a poor shape. I can already tell that they're going to malfunction soon but I couldn't bear a minute more in that office.

I spoke to Marissa the entire time while coming back home. She is going through some rough time currently. Her dad got transferred to another city so they've shifted to a place that's on the outskirts of that city. She doesn't get along with any neighbours there and she has also had to enrol in a college where she doesn't want to be. She's trying to work her way around getting transferred to a better college so hope that works out for her.

I also spoke to Mia after dinner and turns she is also not in a good place. I'm pretty sure good times will soon be upon her.

I guess it's the first time I'm declaring to even myself that I just might have a crush on someone. Even if nothing happens, I kind of like having the feeling again.

My senior college Diploma is finally here. My marksheet shows consistent improvement and that's good. I could see my face quite a lot of times in the Yearbook so go me! I still don't forgive them for falsely advertising my "placement" tho.

Oh, oh, oh! I got my first salaraaaayyyy!!

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now