8 October, 2019.

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Weekday holiday for the second week in a row! Yas! I'm really liking it but alas this won't happen every week.

I studied Data Interpretation in the morning and then spent considerable amount of time with my new phone! I carefully removed everything from the box and read all the manuals and literary material there was to read. Then I spent considerable amount of time in making sure that I have transferred all my data from my previous phone. I then went ahead and checked all the new apps, features and changed the settings according to my preference.

My new phone is amazing and it definitely is an upgrade front my previous one (in terms of storage, camera, display, etc) but there's one thing in the design that disappoints me. It's something I thought was imperative for every phone to have.

This. Phone. Does. Not. Have. A. Normal. Earphone. Jack.

Dafaq?! I didn't notice it until I came around to checking out the ring tones. Most of my phone usage requires an earphone/headphone and this one doesn't even have a port?! I'm okay with the fact that this phone didn't come with its own earphone, my previous phone didn't too. But if they had decided to go for this design, they could've eased the consumers' inconvenience by atleast providing a connector!

Anyways, now that I have this phone, I'm going to have to love it regardless. And apart from this hiccup, I really do like it!

In the evening, we got ready and Alex and I went to an electronic mall of sorts to get me a screen guard. The official store said they were out of stock so we went to one of the small unofficial ones instead.

We were checking out some screen guard when one of them accidentally fell out of my hand. The distance wasn't much but the screen still got a scratch on it. How the fuck will that screen help my phone if it can't help itself?!

The owner tried to get money out of us but I didn't want to cause honestly, they were clearly trying to sell us a defective piece. Alex hadn't seen the accident so he misinterpreted my denial and argued that the scratch was not because of me.

I made a mistake and did not correct him. We kept arguing over this issue and it got a little heated. I did feel really bad after we got out.

We went to the Uncle D's house for our yearly Dussehra tradition and spent quite some time there. We ate vada pav, potato wafers and jalebi. We also had a video call with Stella.

I did a little bit of work after coming back home.

I've started feeling very breathless nowadays. I've been hella anxious before but I've never experienced this symptom.


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