31 January, 2020.

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Since it's performance appraisal time at my office, we had our first ever proper feedback session with our Engagement Manager, Henry

At first he didn't seem to have much to say but he did point out a couple of things as t.he conversation moved forward

Plus points-
-> During Knowledge Transfer, Henry was supposed to be there with me. But due to his own schedule, he had to abandon me half way. Even then, I was able to get the KT done on my own and now I'm mostly handling my work all by myself. That's my biggest plus point.

-> My communication skills are good and.. wait for it... I have leadership skills too! Woah, I have never found myself being the leader kind and that thought went even more downhill after my poor ass stint as a Vice President. So hearing this kind of a feedback was a major boost to my confidence.

Negative points-
-> I keep all my problems to myself and don't follow up as much as I should.

Well, I hope I can be consistent with the good points and work on the areas of improvement.👍🏻

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