1 October, 2019.

4 0 0

All of us reached office more or less on time today.

First of all, I think it's time to name my team mates cause I'm given to understand that we're going to be working together for a long time.

So my team consists of
-> Preston
-> Tyson
-> Tristan (Supervisor)
-> Henry (Manager)
-> Me

Just to give a background, my client has 4 sectors and each member of the team will handle an individual sector (s). This is the division:

-> Sector C (the biggest sector in volume) - Preston
-> Sector M (second biggest sector) - Tyson
-> Sector P (third biggest sector) - me
-> Sector V/A - me

This selection was done based on our knowledge about the subject.

All of us will be given our own laptops (lord, how many laptops do I need!) and will be given SAP access for our respective sectors. For the government, all these sectors are one entity however, internally they function pretty much separately. Currently there are people from different companies handling different sectors so our training will happen based on our respective trainer's availability.

Now the person that handles Sector C works in this office itself so the training had begun almost immediately and the trainer planned to give the knowledge transfer on a real time basis. So what Preston had to do was shadow the trainer, understand what is being done and re-perform the same whenever he had time.

I finally got my training started too, albeit in a different way. I was scheduled for a Skype meeting to understand sector V's work. But just like yesterday, that got canned too. Unlike yesterday, the POC did inform us about the rescheduled date so we have something concrete to look forward to.

I sat for sector C's training instead. We even had to shift rooms because apparently the one we were using was already booked for the day. What I don't understand is that we aren't the ones who are supposed to run around and look for an empty room. It's the client who asked us to sit there and it's his responsibility to relocate us to another place. And if he knows and expects us to be there in their office everyday, then book a room for the amount of time we're going to be there.

Anyways, shortly after we came back from lunch, we heard from sector P's trainer and I started with my Skype training by 3:30PM. Initially I thought it would've been better if Tristan was with me instead of my Henry (Henry has always been busy with other work to a point where he just seems like a figurehead). But I'm glad that he was the one with me. Cause when he went ahead to clear his doubts, I was able to recap my notes and ensure I've got things properly written down.

Oh and also, my manager was quite intimidating today. I guess the true "bossiness" is coming out now. It's both good and bad.

The Skype meeting/training went for about 2 and a half hours and it was better than what I had expected. Having said that, I can clearly see what a tedious task I have in hand. But I know I'll get a hang of it.

My teammates got done by 6:45PM and we left for home. I took a direct rickshaw to my place this time. I hope they'll reimburse this amount.

I studied a little bit after coming back home. It wasn't much but still.

Blue day

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now