12 September, 2019.

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This cough needs to go away ASAP.

So I got ready in the morning and left for the out of town office. I was much more relaxed in the sense that I knew how to get to the place on time. Today I opted for a direct train so that I didn't have to change any trains even if it meant that I reached early. I read a lot about the accounting concepts and basic entries to brush up my knowledge.

Again, my 40 bucks allowed me to get a ride to the place and I reached the office with ease. The entire complex/journey didn't seem as complex or leery as the other day.

There were quite a few candidates present at the lobby when I entered. Most of them had come for the same post as me and there were some who were on their third round of interview.

Today I was in a state of mind to actually closely look and appreciate the interior design of the office. The entire office gave off a playful vibe. The rooms were of different bright colours. The cabins I was seated in front of (also the cabins where I had my interview and test on Monday) were named as games for eg. Jenga. There was graffiti on the wall that depicted all the good corporate qualities such as "collaboration", "innovation", "teamwork", etc.

The environment sure was a postive one. That's probably a plus for anyone working there.

Will I ever be working there? Probably not. Why? Cause my interview sucked.

So after waiting for a while, the HR connected me to my interviewer who was on call. So I went all the way there just to talk to someone over the phone. Great.

Anyways, he asked me to take him through my CV and I did that. He then proceeded to tell me that my profile doesn't show preference towards accounting. Debatable. He asked a variety of questions, most of which I couldn't answer. He probably questions how I got through to the second round and frankly, so do I. But in my defence, the things I've learnt in my syllabus is so different than what I was asked it. How is an outdated syllabus my fault?

While leaving the office, I met another girl who had come for the same post and stage of interview as me. Unlike me, she was already working as an HR but didn't see any scope for growth there. She was asked if she was okay with night shift which I found quite strange. The woman doesn't even live nearby! Her friend works there and was content with the job. So I guess that's a plus point for the company.

We caught the first train within 10 mins but I had to wait for about 30 mins at the "change station". Hannah's celebrating her birthday this coming Sat and I'm thinking of going for it. The only problem is that she's celebrating it at one of the places that includes ID based entry. Me being a December born baby is at a disadvantage.

After coming back home, I tried calling that bank head who had called me last week offering a job. He said he'd call me back but still hasn't. I have no clue what's happening there.

I did quite a bit of Math today. I couldn't understand anything in the first half. Alex helped me and I then began to understand the latter part of whatever I studied. Felt content. But I still have a long fucking way to go.

Post dinner, I cleared quite a few items that were taking up space on my study table and indulged in a face mask time while folding clothes and watching some vlogs. I hardly ever spend time on YouTube now and that's a good thing. That's a very good thing.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now