27 May, 2020.

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I had a very successful meeting today.

I had a made an analysis for all the credit that was disallowed due to 2A Reconciliation and had kinda sorta laid down a process of getting it solved.

There was a lot of hard work that went into making that detailed analysis and looks like it was worth it.

I had a meeting with one of my client's Finance Manager and she really liked what I had done. She was the one who had asked me for some sort of listing and said that what I had come up with was more that she had anticipated.

She wants to present the same to their Finance Director and also wants me to be there for it. She even thanked me in the meeting invitation!

As much as I am happy that my work is being appreciated, I also can't shake the feeling that I might be getting pulled into something more than what my contract implies. And this won't be the first time that would happen.

What's different this time is that I have kept my immediate team leads informed. So they know that I'm doing some kind of work and as of now haven't debarred me from doing it. Everyone's still trying to measure just how much our involvement in this activity should be.

Hurry guys, seems like I'm getting pulled all the way.

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